Karyn Parsons

Name: Karyn Parsons

Date of Birth: October 8,1966

Place of Birth: Los Angeles, California, United States.


Mostly known for:

  • The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (1990-1996) as Hilary Banks
  • Class Act (1992) as Ellen
  • Major Payne (1995) as Emily Walburn
  • Lush Life (1996) as Margot Hines
  • The Job (2001-2002) as Toni
  • Sweet Thing (2020) as Eve


Comic Con Brussels 2020, Brussels, Belgium

- Comic Con Liverpool 2020, Liverpool, England, United Kingdom



Unfortunately we were not able to attend Karyn's panel at both cons. In Brussels we did go for a selfie with Karyn. You have got to love Hillary!

In Liverpool we saw Karyn walking by when we were in a queue (we did a lot of queueing).


Related articles:

Brussels Comic Con Overview

- Comic Con Liverpool Overview

- The Guests of Comic Con Liverpool


Please do not use any of our material without our permission.
