Noah Hathaway

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Name: David Kenneth Harbour

Date of Birth: November 13, 1971

Place of Birth: Los Angeles, California, United States


Mostly known for:

  • Battlestar Galactica (1978) as Boxey
  • Galactica (1978-1979) as Boxey
  • High Midnight (1979) as Timmy
  • Eight is Enough (1980) as Jerry
  • Best Friends (1982) as Lyle Ballou
  • The Neverending Story (1984) as Artreyu
  • To Die, To Sleep (1994) as Phil
  • Sushi (2012) as Fish
  • Dick Dynamite: 1944 (2023)
  • River Beauty (2023) as Andover Willis


Comic Con Brussels Spring 2024, Brussels, Belgium



I (Liv) attended part of Noah's panel at Brussels Comic Con Spring 2024.


Brussels Comic Con Spring 2024 - Panel

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