I think by now you all know we love to attend conventions. You get to meet the actors that play in the movies or TV shows you love or grew up with (I can tell you I've met some of my childhood heroes in the past years and it was awesome!). You get the chance to get an autograph or do a photo op and you get a chance to hear them talk about their work and their look on life. But that's not all. At a convention you get the chance to meet a lot of other amazing people too. At comic cons you can browse through the merchandise stands and take a look at some great movie props. And at fan events you get the chance to meet a lot of people who all share your passion for a certain franchise. What's not to love! We write about our convention adventures, but we also like to give you some more insights about the people behind the scenes. Today we are going to talk about what it's like to organize a convention. To do this we contacted The Con Factory and talked to the lovely Patricia. So sit back and let us take you into the world of: The Con Factory!
About The Con Factory

"Ever had the dream of meeting your favorite character from your favorite show? We want to make those dreams come true by organizing conventions in Europe". These were the first words I read when I opened the website of The Con Factory and I it immediately caught my attention. Of course we'd first like to know how it all began. Patricia: "The idea for this company came after visiting a a three day seminar from T. Harv Eker in the Rai, Amsterdam in 2011". For those of you who don't know: T. Harv Eker is an author, businessman and motivational speaker.He is the author of the book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" and he is known for his theories on wealth and motivation. Patricia continues: "Afterwards we started visiting more conventions and seminars for another company of us. This unique experience led us to the idea of starting our own event company to share this experience with others". It all start with a good idea, but how to go from there? Well, in the years following the people behind The Con Factory did a lot of research by visiting other convention and explore all the possibilities. "We decided to kick off with conventions about TV shows. We found a good team with experience with these kind of events and we started a new company called The Con Factory". In 2014 the first convention was announced. After deciding they wanted to do TV show conventions, the team came up with two ideas for conventions: WolfCon (about Teen Wolf) and Mirakurucon (for Arrow). They decided to focus on WolfCon first and on may 2nd and 3th 2015 the first editon of WolfCon was a fact.
Teen Wolf & WolfCon

WolfCon is a two day convention of The Con Factory for fans of the tv show Teenwolf. Although we haven't done a series tip about Teenwolf yet, Carola and I are both watching the show and we absolutely love it.
The story revolves around Scot McCall (Tyler Posey), a somewhat awkward teenage boy at the Beacon Hills High School. At one night his best friend Stiles Stilinski (Dylan O'Brien), who is also the son of the sherrif, takes Scott into the woods to find a dead body. During an attack Scott is bitten by a werewolf and he inherits the werewolf curse himself. Being a werewolf has some pretty awesome side effects. Suddenly Scott is faster and stronger than he ever was, he is cured from his asthma and is promoted to co-captain of the Lacrosse team. This all sounds pretty awesome, but being a werewolf also means Scott turns into a very angry and relentless werewolf out to kill everyone on his path, every full moon. He also finds it very difficult to control his anger in his daily life and has to do his best to control the wolf within. The only way to find a way to control this is to put his trust in the strong and eccentric werewolf Derek (Tyler Hoechlin).
Well so much for Teen Wolf, let's get back to The Con Factory and WolfCon. The first edition of WolfCon was held in the Park Plaza Hotel - Amsterdam Airport (2-3 May 2015). The guestlist for this first edition consisted of: Holland Roden (Lydia Martin), Tyler Hoechlin (Derek Hale), Ian Bohen (Peter Hale), Max Carver (Aiden), Charlie Carver (Ethan) and Ryan Kelley (Jordan Parrish). It turned out to be a big succes and little more than a year later The Con Factory organised the second edition: WolfCon 2.0. (July 30th and 31st in Amsterdam, The Netherlands). And again they had an amazing guest list: Holland Roden, Charlie Carver, Max Carver, Ryan Kelley and Ian Bohen returned to Amsterdam for WolfCon 2.0. But there were some new names on the list too, being: Dylan Sprayberry (Liam Dunbar), JR Bourne (Chris Argent) and Khylin Rhambo (Mason Hewitt).
Next month, on the 29th and 30th of July, The Con Factory will return to the Park Plaza Hotel - Amsterdam Airport (Lijnden, The Netherlands) for WolfCon 3.0. The guestlist so far: Max and Charlie Carver, Holland Roden, Ian Bohen and Ryan Kelley. Keep an eye on Facebook and Twitter for further announcements.
What to expect?

Next we asked Patricia what to expect, when you visit a convention of The Con Factory?
"At our conventions you can ask the actors questions when they are on stage, you can do photo shoots, you can get an autograph and you can do a meeting room with them. Furthermore we have a lot of special activities which you often cannot do anywhere else, like a party, playing Pictionary or other games with the actors etc. We always try to be original and come up with new ideas". So what is your favorite WolfCon memory? "Pfff hard question, I have so many, I especially like the party where we play games with the actors"
Well that sounds like a lot of fun, right? But what about other conventions. A few weeks ago we did a post about a petition for a Once Upon a Time convention (we would love this so please sign here). We asked Patricia about these petitions. How does it work? "It is always difficult to choose a show to do a convention for, together with fans we hope that through these petitions we get a better idea of how many fans are seriously going to buy a ticket for a certain event. If there is enough interest the Con Factory can look further into the possibility of organizing an event for that particular show".
So how do you pick the TV shows and the guests? " It depends on the interest of the fans, on the availability of the
actors and on the budget needed to do an event for a particular show. We always try to keep in mind what fans want, but a lot depends on things like budget and availability".
Personal highlights/favorites and the future
Organizing an event like WolfCon seems to be a lot of hard work, but what is your favorite part about it? "The event itself when you see all the fans being happy because they are meeting their favorite actors". Talking about fans and favorite actors; what is your own favorite TV Show? "Veronica Mars, but I like a lot of TV shows..."
WolfCon seems to be very successful and Patricia says she is very proud of starting her own company and the positive reactions she gets from fans and actors. But what about future plans? "I hope to do more conventions a year like 3 or maybe 4 for different
shows." Well we certainly hope you will succeed in doing this!
Last but not least: what do people that visit one of your cons for the first time need to know?
"Read our website, especially the FAQ page. We literally have all information on our website so every question you might have, pretty sure the answer is on our website somewhere."
We hope you enjoyed this look behind the scenes of The Con Factory and like to thank Patricia for answering our questions. We sure can't wait to attend one (or more) of the events of The Con Factory in the future and if we get the chance we will absolutely write all about it.
Would you like to know more about The Con Factory and their events, click the banner below to be redirected to their website.
Write a comment
lex (Friday, 16 June 2017 10:15)
haven't attended much of conventions to know how the experience can be, but from the much i have read here that you have attended it sure show alot on how good the events can be, and like you said, it gives that large opportunity to meet up with ones heroes or do i saw actors we like so much and sure this was an awesome event from its words and image.
jhilmil (Saturday, 17 June 2017 21:17)
Absolutely enjoyed all about Confactory. Guess the event was a fun with happy fans! And Patricia was great at answers!
Katy (Sunday, 18 June 2017 17:06)
Mirakurucon? I absolutely have to be there. I'm a huge fan of The Arrow - it's arguably my favorite of the Flash/SG/Legends/Arrow shows. I like the darkness -- although sometimes the flashbacks irritate me a little! Never got into Teen Wolf, but I imagine the convention experience will nevertheless be awesome - and I certainly wouldn't say "no" to attending. I'm looking forward to seeing your review of the event.
Amanda-Curly Sue Review (Sunday, 18 June 2017 17:54)
I absolutely LOVE conventions. I wish there were more of them here as it's hard for me to travel to them. The idea of a con company is AMAZING. That would be a dream job! And a convention for Teen Wolf. That would be so much fun!
EG III (Sunday, 18 June 2017 21:26)
I recently got more involved in doing extra work on several TV shows and movies, but you never truly have an opportunity to speak with any actors at all. Now that I've seen that side of the industry I think it would be a great experience to attend a conference to get a real taste of the actors' personality.
Meera (Monday, 19 June 2017 01:19)
I have seen the actors from far. Never get a chance to talk or I think, I never intended to. This is kinda new to me and happy to know that you enjoyed. Well, I can clearly see, it's been a wonderful experience for you. Keep going! :)
Sriparna (Monday, 19 June 2017 08:40)
And your convention experiences are rocking as always :) I am still waiting for an opportunity to attend one such con; Have fun attending and experiencing more of these :)
Maria (Monday, 19 June 2017 16:18)
Never seen Teen Wolf but I've heard about the version which starred Michael J. Fox and that it has an ongoing series too? Well, I'm a fan of your blog and really admire the passion you have. I'm even jealous at some point because you're lucky to meet and greet them and to go to cons actually! Here, cons are not much noticed or given attention too.
Irma (Tuesday, 20 June 2017)
Wow! You are really lucky to have the chance to attend the conventions. I, unfortunately, did not have it so far now. So, I still haven't met my childhood heroes from the TV shows, but I am glad you did. The best thing about the cons is the opportunity to ask the questions to the actors. I think I would have a bunch of them, at least. Hmm, so perhaps it's better I wasn't there since no one else could take his turn to ask a question. :))
Irma (Tuesday, 20 June 2017 00:38)
I would love to go on a convention. I have never been on one ever and that makes me so sad. It is probably even hard to imagine the true atmosphere on events like these. Going on a convention will definitively be high on my list of priorities!
Claire Santiago (Tuesday, 20 June 2017 06:06)
How I wished there would be someone who will take the initiative to organize something like this in our place. I would love to see my favorite characters come to life. You're so lucky to have the chance to be part of the event.
Adyanibc (Wednesday, 21 June 2017 15:03)
Oh my! Sounds like a great idea for the show of Teen Wolf, I really don't know about the series but I've heard great stories about it from people that love it.