Recently we watched the short filmed named "Invisible", from independent filmmaker Ryan Nunes. The story focuses on a girl named Riley , who struggles with fibromyalgia (chronic pain disease). Conditions like fibromyalgia and a number of mental illnesses are called invisible diseases, because on the outside the person seems perfectly healthy. The role of Riley is played by actress Madison Schmalo, who also serves as an associate producer of the short film. We also see how Riley has a conversation with her co-worker Jack (played by Paul Kandarian).

Now what did we think of Invisible?
First of all: this isn't an easy watch. In this case that is a plus because it is not an easy subjest. There is still a lot of tabboo when it comes to invisible diseases and it's about time this changes. As I am no stranger to mental issues myself, I know what it's like to struggle with 'normal' evryday things. I think this short can serve as a great awareness video for the unaware among us. The set up of the story was great and it really gets you thinking. The sound by Nathanael Kelly was great (which is not that common around a lot of short films). We surely recommend to watch "Invisible". The duration of the short is about 9 and a half minutes.

We asked writer and director Ryan Nunes about his inspiration for the short film: "INVISIBLE was inspired by my own real life issues with chronic pain and my own mental health. For the past several years I've wanted to create a film that described the routine of my daily life and the nuances that came with it. But also informing others into a deeper look into living with various medical & mental issues that came with that. My goal is to help and teach others that we all wear a mask when it comes to our emotions and often aren't as vulnerable or as open as we should be. Taking care of yourself is the most important thing, but taking responsibility and recognize that is just as important."
For more information about chronic illnesses and other invisible diseases, please check out the Center for Chronic Illnesses website.

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