Liv and I were queuing at Bloody Night Con. It was our second photo op of the weekend! One the many we would do. We had bought a photo op for the complete guest list: Nate Buzolic, Paul Wesley, Kat Graham, Charles Michael Davis, Riley Voelkel and of course Michael Malarkey. Back to the queuing! We stood there, waiting for the photo op. And it was terribly hot. We were standing there in some kind of hallway. And the temperature was rising quickly. This was our first photo op that day. Later on that day it would get warmer and warmer. It was the "two hobbits came around and threw a ring in the hallway" kind of hot. I was sweating like a pig and me being nervous for meeting Michael Malarkey didn't make it any better. When Michael started to play Enzo in The Vampire Diaries, I immediately thought he was pretty cool.And I was so happy to have a chance to meet him, but it made me nervous as hell. It had been a long time since I was this nervous and I felt like I was melting.
The queue was quite long. And we started talking to some other girls in the queue. That was fun! It always helps in being less nervous. You don't just stand there, realizing what you're about to do. We talked about the convention, the guests and our extra's. And also about photo op poses. I really, really wanted a bite pose. But I had never asked for a pose before. And you all know that at a con, I'm not the most courageous person. So I was kind of accepting that it wasn't going to happen.But we kept talking about photo op poses and photo we liked. I noticed that I got more enthusiastic about my idea. I was thinking about asking for a pose too, but I quickly gave up on that thought, given the fact I was so nervous. I know that if I try to talk at that moment I am not able to form words and sentences. I only produce sounds...
The photo op

After some queueing, it was finally our turn! Way quicker than I had expected. I wasn't prepared! I had talked too much and now I suddenly had to go over there and do the photo op with Michael. In total panic, I walked up there and squeezed out: 'Can we do a bite pose'. And then immediately I thought: 'You idiot what did you do. Why are saying this. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat. In all my stress, I barely heard Michael say :'Yes of course'.I was stunned. Unfortunately not frozen. Because in all my excitement (I was SO surprised and happy), I decided to make a 'startled' face. I. did. not. think. that. through.
A startled face might be a great idea for a photo op. If you can act. And f you're not completely overwhelmed by adrenaline. In my case, I didn't make nice and elegant startled face. Nooooo, I made a 'look-as-uncharming-as-possible-show-your-double-chin' face. Yep. I do not recommend this face haha. Next time, hopefully, I will think and not make an actual startled face. But try to make it less dramatic.
Nevertheless, no pity needed! I might have failed to make a charming startled face. But: I am happy as I can be with this picture. I still remember the moment vividly. I was extremely happy that he would do the pose. And Michael Malarkey was amazing! Such a kind an amazing guy. If he'd be at another convention I would definitely love to meet him again! And I would also get an autograph.

Well I did freeze...When it was my turn, I tried to produce some kind of understandable language, but I failed miserably. I am pretty happy with the result by the way and Michael was so nice. Carola was absolutely buzzing after the photo op. She had a Seth Gilliam thingy going on and it was hilarious. She was just so prepped up. It really is a great picture and I love Carola's startled face. I know how she felt, I had that once before. When we met Robert Englund last year, he had his Freddy glove on and he immediately took a pose with his glove around my neck. I remember I was thinking "Let's do the scared look", but just before the picture was taken I realised that my scared look is pretty bad. I tried to change to my convention face, but I was too slow and it turned out to be a hilarious picture.
Bloody Night Con

We saw multiple Michael Malarkey panels. He did some panels alone, but also had a panel with Kat Graham and a 'The Vampire Diaries panel'. Michael plays the role of Enzo St John in the Vampire Diaries. His character is really amazing and so multidimensional. Like I already mentioned I immediately loved the Enzo character. He starts out as a real bad boy, but he has a great character evolution. It was awesome to be able to attend so many panels and also see him on stage with Kat Graham. If you want to get a glimpse of Kat & Michael on stage together check out our video below!
After the con, I also decided to listen to music of Michael. I hadn't done that before the con. And we didn't attend the listening party. (There was a Michael Malarkey listening party on Friday evening. But we only arrived in Brussels on Saturday morning). I started to listen to some songs when I was back home. Soon, I found myself addicted to listening to the song 'Scars'. I really love it! Curious? Try out some of his songs! I really like it and can't wait to hear the song that will come out soon. I did listen to his music before we went to the convention and seriously this guy is incredibly talented. I think his voice kind of resembles the voice of Johnny Cash (and I love him). It was great to meet Michael and I hope to see him do a lot more projects in the near future.
Write a comment
Imena (Tuesday, 25 July 2017 21:46)
This sounds as so much fun and omg Enzo from the vampire diaries. I would have died he played his role so damn good. Definitely going to try out one of his music. Thank you for the post
Hang Around The World (Wednesday, 26 July 2017 15:30)
WOW I love what you do because you have the possibility to meet famous people and actors. Michael Malarkey is one of the most "wanted" for the photos and it's not difficult to understand why hahaha
You are right, his character in the tv show is multidimensional. Good words!
Noel Lorenzo (Wednesday, 26 July 2017 16:16)
That is so nice that you got to meet Michael Malarkey! He seems like a very nice fellow, with many talents. Please post more pictures of the Bloody Night Con! Thank you :)
Martin (Thursday, 27 July 2017 05:37)
That is amazing; I didn't know that Michael Malarkey actually sings. I enjoyed Scars and the song Feed The Flames. He is indeed very talented, and I agree with you his deep, smokey voice resembles a bit Johnny Cash.
Blair villanueva (Friday, 28 July 2017 12:20)
I miss watching the Vampire diaries and honestly I dont know what's the latest season. How many season? Hahha. But wow you guys are always update! So lucky to have this cute photo opp :)
mihir (Friday, 28 July 2017 16:02)
i have started watching Vampire diaries just because of you people and to See Michael Malarkey with you is amazing
Irma (Tuesday, 01 August 2017 21:41)
Hahahah, your descriptions are so funny! :D Both of your photos are excellent, and especially the one with the double-chin startled face. I like that Michael was so relaxed and didn't make a problem about the bite pose. You are really lucky you have had the chance to meet him.