Last week (May 20th&21st) we went to Bloody Night Con (by KLZ Events) at The Egg in Brussels (Belgium). BNC is a fan convention that focuses on The Vampire Diaries and its spin off The Orignals. We had been looking forward to it for months and that was mainly because of the amazing guest list. In the weeks leadi up to the convention there were three cancellations: Ian Somerhalder (Damon Salvatore, TVD), Daniel Gillies (Elijah Mikaelson, TVD & TO) and Claire Holt (Rebekah Mikaelson, TVD & TO). Of course we were very disappointed , but the girls from KLZ made sure there were some great substitutions. Because of this the final guestlist was the following: Paul Wesley (Stefan Salvatore, TVD & TO), Kat Graham (Bonnie Bennett, TVD), Michael Malarkey (Enzo St. John, TVD), Riley Voelkel (Freya Mikaelson, TO), Nate Buzolic (Kol Mikaelson, TVD & TO; Saturday only) and Charles Michael Davis (Marcel Gerard, TVD & TO; Sunday only). In the upcoming weeks we will tell you all about the convention, the guests, the meetings (photo&autographs), the panels and ofcourse the fun we had. Today we will talk about(and show you some of the highlights of) the first panel we attended: the panel of Nate Buzolic and Riley Voelkel.

The first panel of BNC 2017 was an Originals panel. Nate Buzolic plays the role of Kol Mikaelson, the youngest (living) son of the Mikaelson family. He always felt like the black sheep of the family and he can be very violent. SPOILER: Riley Voelkel plays Freya Mikaelson, the first-born of the Mikaelson family, who was presumed dead. Freya is different from her siblings, because she isn't a vampire. Freya is a witch and dissapeared before the other ones were turned into the Original Vampires. END OF SPOILER From the first moment it was clear that the panel was going to be very interesting. Riley and Nate have a great chemistry and they are both really nice to their fans. Of course there were a lot of questions about The Originals, but there were also questions about The Vampire Diaries. At one point Nate did his (famous) Elijah/Daniel Gillies impression and that was pretty cool. There was a lot going on at the stage.Riley talked about the facts that she might actually be a vampire, because she seems to be related to the man, the legend: Vlad Dracula. We also learned that Nate is an avid traveler and that he loves photography. He also seemed to be very happy with his on screen love interest: Davina. He just couldnt stop joking around about how he loved to kiss her and even asked a girl to tape a personal message for Danielle Campbell (who plays Davina). They also talked about theheir favorite props, their favorite character and their friends on set. Like I said, we had a lot of fun. Do you want to see some of the highlights of the panel, just check out the video below...
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