After an absolutely epic day at Weekend of Hell on Saturday, we were SO READY for German Comic Con on Sunday!! We got up early, ate some breakfast and drove to the Westfalenhalle again in Dortmund. This time, I was lucky! We weren't there as early as on Saturday ánd the queue was inside. Perfect! So I wouldn't be freezing today!
For the people who don't know a very short & quick recap: In the weekend of 13 & 14 April, two events were held in the Westfalenhalle in Dortmund: Weekend of Hell and German Comic Con. We visited WOH on Saturday and German Comic Con on Sunday. The events were separate: You needed a different ticket for both, or buy (a more expensive) combo ticket. In my opinion, the combo ticket was overpriced. You can spend your time only once, so I wouldn't pay much more than a ticket for one event, to visit both. The day is still as long as it was. It's just an extra advantage if you don't have to split it in two separate days. I couldn't agree more. I mean, I wouldn't mind paying a bit more for a combo ticket, but the combo ticket they offered was just a few euros cheaper than two tickets.
Round 1!
This was our first German Comic Con. About time for round 1! Walk around and check out everything. First stop, as always, the actors and actresses. German Comic Con had a pretty amazing guest list. Oh yes they did! I was especially psyched about the amazing amount of "Gotham" actors and actresses on the list. What to think of: Robin Lord Taylor (Oswald Cobblepot/The Penguin), Sean Pertwee (Alfred), Erin Richards (Barbara Kean), Drew Powell (Butch Gilzean), Camren Bicondova (Selina Kyle/Catwoman), Donal Logue (Harvey Bullock) and Tonya Pinkins (Ethel Peabody). Besides that there some of the other names on the guestlist were: Charlie Sheen (!), Elizabeth Olsen, Danielle Panabaker, Seth Gilliam, Lee Majors, Jennifer Morrison and many more. There were many guests we wanted to meet/ see or go to the panel of. It was definitely a big disappointment to see that some guests weren't even in sight: Charlie Sheen and Elizabeth Olsen were behind walls. Only If you bought a signing ticket, you would get to see them at their signing table. I really, really, seriously don't like that at cons. I come to see all of the guests. Also just to walk around and see them sign. It's part of the atmosphere. I agree, I get that they are big guests, but I think you should be able to see them. In all the years we have been going to conventions it has happened more than once that we decided to go for an autograph, because the actor or actress seemed so nice at their table talking to fans. Luckily, the other guests were there and visibly signing. It wasn't easy with all of the guests to go over that just for a chat. But I do get that. Some are just very busy, so there's need for a clear queue. We rushed to see Seth Gilliam, who had just arrived. There was no one there yet, so we walked over to him and had a chat. We told him how we loved meeting him a couple of years ago. The article about meeting Seth has been read by many people! Well, Carola tells it like we just decided to go over and talk to Seth, but we almost chickened out. Before we walked over to him, we had been standing there looking like two lost children. After a few minutes of hoping Seth would come to us (haha), we pulled ourselves together and worked up the courage to go over there. Of course Seth was very cool about it and he was just so very nice again. Unfortunately he had to leave early on Sunday, to get his plane back. While looking around at the actors, we also had a great chat with Marc. He was volunteering at German Comic Con!
We also checked out the merchandise area. There were 2 rooms. Which was nice. But somehow we we walked through the rooms quite quickly. I didn't buy anything at the merch. And we were in a hurry anyway, Liv wanted to see Elizabeth Olsen's panel. And since that would be the only chance to see her, I joined Liv. Yes! As a big fan of the Marvel movies, I of course had to see this panel. I did buy something at the merchandise area by the way: at the Cool2U stand, there was a "Friends" cap and I just had to buy that one.
Round 2: Panel & photo ops!
We only had 1 day at German Comic Con so we had to be picky! We could definitely not attend all panels. We had to play favorites. After many debates (not really, lol) and lot of prioritizing we choose to see Elizabeth Olsen, the Gotham panel and the Charlie Sheen panel. We started with Elizabeth Olsen (duh, she was the first panel of the day!).
It was fun to see Elizabeth, she seemed very nice! We left the panel a little bit early for a necessary bathroom stop and the headed to our photo ops: Robin Lord Taylor and Sean Pertwee. These queues were busy, but well organized. We were obsessed with the photo ops! We're both big fans of Gotham. Meeting the Penguin (Robin Lord Taylor) was always on top of our list! And I had heard many times already that he was very kind. We were talking about Gotham and who else we wanted to meet. Maybe Erin Richards? Maybe Donal Logue? Maybe go back to Seth Gilliam (which turned out to be impossible, because of his early flight)? We didn't know yet! Mainly we were totally stressing out! What are we going to do? To say? Which photo op pose should we choose? And then, we stepped into the room, handed over our bags and there he was: Robin Lord Taylor! With a huge smile on his face, greeting everyone before doing the photo op. He looked so enthusiastic! Doing the photo op was great. Robin is very nice! I was so nervous for this one. I think Robin does an amazing job as Oswald Cobblepot/The Penguin in "Gotham" and lie Carola said; it was adream to meet him ever since I started watching the show. So I was a little bit star struck and during the photo op, I just couldn't believe that I was standing next to the man behind this fantastic character. Robin was very nice and he seemed to make it a priority to shake everyone's hand before the photo and I love that. I mean everything does go very fast at a photo op and it's nice when the actor takes the time to properly greet you.
And once were done, there was no time to think, we had to queue for Sean Pertwee immediately. Totally obsessed with our pictures, we grabbed our phones and started to text people. Then, we talked to Jeroen again in the queue and we were up for a photo with Sean Pertwee in no time! Sean seemed super active, he was hopping from one feet on to the other (we know the feeling), doing all kinds of poses. We were standing there, realizing: This is Alfred!!! Here he is. Waaaaaaaaaah. What to do? I couldn't think of anything, but asked for a pose on the spot. Again I had a huge case of being starstruck and I originally wanted to do Carola's pose, but I switched last minute. I really like how the photo turned out....
Round 3: Too much energy!!
After these amazing photo ops we were psyched! Oh my, we were buzzing! I was so happy with my photos and I couldn't stop smiling, jumping, dancing and shouting. At moments like this we totally forget that there are people around us, so we must have looked like idiots! We went to see Anne & Jan from Movie Props NL. That was awesome! They had brought some pretty amazing props again from Alien. Loved it! It's was busy at their booth. Lots of people loved seeing the Alien props. Meanwhile, we enjoyed having a chat with them and catch up. We were still psyched, too active and jumping around. Having loads of fun haha. We also quickly saw Mimis Horrorshow as well. We chatted with Anne some more, did an Instagram live and made some pictures. After that, we went to the panel area again, to make a few pictures and to get something to eat!
Round 4: Erin? Donal? Camren?
Liv made a few snapshots at the panel area and we headed back to the guest area again. We still wanted to do something! Liv decided on the spot that he wanted to have a picture with Erin! I just had to do this! Over the last couple of weeks I had been talking about how I wanted to meet Erin, because I love the character of Barbara and so I had to put my money where my mouth was. I love how Barbara evolved from being a quite annoying good girl in season 1, to the Barbara Kean we all know and love. So we walked towards the "queue" (There was only 1 person). And we asked for a selfie. The girl next to Erin said, that we both could be on it. Awesomeeeeeeeee. Erin was absolutely great, which only fueled our enthusiasm. Really: Excited is an understatement. There's a lot to tell about meeting Erin, but I'll stick to just showing the pictures. The complete story (including a special message from Erin) will be in a separate article.
We were debating whether to get more photos/ autographs or whatever, but didn't make a decision. Also, we had another chat with Marc, who had a few photo ops to go to!
Round 5: Wait what?
Psyched as ever, we ran around at German Comic Con. When you only have 1 day at a con there's always some kind of pressure. 'I only have one day and I want to do everything!!' But it's always hard to decide what to start with and what to do. At the con, I feel like 'We did nothing yet'. And when I'm writing the article, I can never believe that all that fit in just one day! At comic cons, we're just psyched all day. Running around like crazies!
Then.. I heard the news that everyone was allowed to go from Weekend of Hell to German Comic Con and the other way around. Wait what? Wasn't that just for combi tickets? Yup. But somehow, halfway the day they decided to open the doors between the conventions for everyone. That was a great news! I have to admit that I liked the atmosphere better at Weekend of Hell and I was happy to go back. I can imagine though, that people who had bought a more expensive combo ticket weren't too happy. We grabbed the chance and ran back to WOH, but we still wanted to come back to German Comic Con: For the Gotham panel & the Charlie Sheen panel.
Round 6: Back at Weekend of Hell
Yes!!!! We were back at Weekend of Hell. I was even more stoked, if possible. We had said 'goodbye' to everything there the day before, but now we were BACK. YASSSSS. We went to see the actors and actresses again (You didn't see that one coming right? Liv & Jason (From Dutch Fredette vs Jason), continued their scare competition. Which I lost! But keep looking over your shoulder Jason, because I will have my revenge someday.... MUHAHAHAHAHA! (Was that impressive enough?). We saw the FrightGuys again. We danced and jumped some more. And Liv got hit (where was it Liv???) by someone passing by. I got hit in front of the IT-kids. It happened when we were making our way to Tobin Bell to see if he was at his table. We started running and someone stuck out her arm to hug someone, hitting me in the face. But like a true hero, I pushed through the pain and went on. Of course the girl could not help it, but it did hurt for a while haha.
With Anne, I went to see 'It kid' Adam Faraizl. We went to his booth just to have chat and he was such a nice guy! He told us about It and how a lot of people he knows don't even know that he played in It. Sometimes they watch the movie and joke that he looks like the kid in the movie. They're always shocked to hear that he actually played in the movie! He also met a few of the 'new It kids' backstage and he was excited to tell that soon he would be at a convention with the actors who played the older Eddie and the actor who's playing the young Eddie in the new It movie. He really liked that.
Meanwhile, The Dutch Fredette wasn't the Dutch Fredette today, but Billy (Saw). She was aiming to get Tobin Bell to their booth! We had to leave for panels, but I was happy to hear that she succeeded! Both Tobin and Costas visited their booth that weekend and made some pictures. How awesome is that?
Round 7: panels!
In between our Weekend of Hell adventures, we also attended to more panels at German Comic Con. And the best thing is: We won't have to tell you about them. You can see for yourself! The Gotham panel:
And Charlie Sheen:
After the panels it was ALMOST time to go home. But never want to leave a convention. Luckily Markus saw us leaving the panel and we had a great chat! It was the first time we met besides our talks on Instagram, and it was great to have an actual chat! In between Liv sneaked off to say something to Robin Lord Taylor and came back again haha. It was an awesome ending of an amazing weekend! Yes I did, while talking to Hlawi, I was looking around and I saw Robin Lord Taylor was preparing to leave. Since Carola was in the middle of a story, I decided to walk up to him to tell him that I love his work on "Gotham". In my opinion he is the best Penguin ever and keep in mind that I love Danny DeVito as Penguin in "Batman Returns". He was so kind and shook my hand. We had an amazing weekend!

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