Just two more weeks until Bloody Night Con Europe (KLZ Events) and we are so excited! Bloody Night Con is a fan event for fans of The Vampire Diaries and The Originals and they have a hell of a guest list. On the 20th and 21st of May Ian Somer-halder (Damon, TVD), Kat Graham (Bonnie, TVD), Michael Malarkey (Enzo, TVD), Riley Voelkel (Freya, TO, She is the substitution for Claire Holt, who cancelled), Daniel Gillies (Elijah, TO & TVD) and Nate Buzolic(Kol, TO & TVD) will make their appearance on the 5th edition of Bloody Night Con Europe in Brussels (The Egg). We already did a lot of articles counting down to this event and today we have got a Tough Choices Challenge for you!
So what's a Tough Choices Challenge? Well first we pick a category (like; The Vampire Diaries Characters). Carola prepared the papers with the names of the characters and those are thrown in a big bowl. Then we pick a question (like: Who is your favorite?) and both take a paper from the bowl. We both read out what's on the paper and immediately pick our favorite. Just check out our video below and be sure to tell us who you would pick!
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