At Weekend of Hell, we saw an awesome stand with a lot of Nightmare on Elm Street props! We're big fans of the movie, so of course, we loved seeing all the props. We had a talk with the owner of the props and the 2 women who were there with him. They were awesome and we had a great talk. Quickly we decided to ask for an interview. In this interview, you'll find out what Movie Props NL is and where all these props come from! Oh, and do let us know in the comments: Do you own any props? And what's the best prop you've ever seen?

Movie props NL
We have seen you at Weekend of Hell. We saw a lot of Freddy Krueger props. And we loved that! But on your website we saw that you have much more! Can you tell us more about movie-props NL? What do you do?
"Actually I'm just a movie addict that loves to own something that was used in my favorite movies. My daytime job has nothing to do with movies whatsoever. It's just a hobby. (It more became an addiction over the years actually) :-). I started collecting in 2001. One of my all time favorite movies is Steven Spielbergs "Close Encounters of the Third Kind". Searching on the internet for more information about the movie I stumbled across the online museum for movie props. This is where I noticed a prop from this movie and the addiction was born from there."
And, are you doing this alone? "This is just an individual thing although there is a group of serious collectors which is a quite tight group who all meet on a website for movie prop collectors."
Props and events!

We saw you at Weekend of Hell! It was fun to see all the props from Friday the 13th. Do you attend events like this often?
"It seems organisors of conventions have noticed our collection and we get more and more invitations from different kind of cons all over Europe. For now we try to do only three different kind of cons a year but this may change next year for sure."
And what kind of events do you usually attend? "Since the Nightmare on Elm Street props collection is growing rapidly and the displays made for these props are designed especially for attending conventions we try do focus on mostly horror related cons although there are already a few more invitations for the well known Comic Con conventions all over Europe."
Of course we're also wondering: Hoe do you pick what to bring to a convention? "If there is new Elm Street related material, original or replicas, this will be our first choice so visitors won't get bored to much with stuff they already have seen. The screen used props however will always be part of the exhibition. " That's awesome! You have a lot of cool props. I can imagine a lot of people are thrilled to see them. What do you like most abut being at conventions? "We love to meet and chat with Elm Street fans and just have a good time (Which always will come on first place) "
The collection of props

It's so cool that you have a huge collection of props! We'd love to know, how did your collection grow?
"Over the years the collection grew by trading and purchasing from well known prop dealers and other collectors."
And what's the prop you're the most proud of? "That is without any doubt the original screen used Freddy Krueger glove from part 5 "The Dream Child". We can imagine. It's a great prop. So cool to have the original screen used Freddy Krueger glove. The glove was also the hardest to get? "That's the glove again for sure. Once disapeared in a collection these hardly will ever turn back up for sale again". Yes, collector's probably won't sell the props very quickly I can imagine. It makes it evn more unique to have all these props! There must be some things on your wishlist still, though. What's on top? "That would be an original used Freddy Krueger Fedora hat." And what are your plans for the future? "Hopefully to collect more props from the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise, which will always be quite a challenge and attend as many conventions as possible."
Meeting the actors
We love meetings actors at conventions. We can see you already met Robert Englund as well. It's awesome to meet these icons from movies we love. What are your best memories on meetings actors at conventions?
"On the first place this would be Robert Englund who played "Freddy Krueger". I was Lucky enough to meet him a few times which is the best memory so far.
Ken Kirzinger is on second place. I have some nice material from "Freddy VS Jason". It was also great to meet Ken, the actor who played "Jason". He even came by our booth at the Weekend of Hell convention to have a look at the collection and signed some of the props. Fantastic!"
Cool that you met met Robert a few times already. We met him once and we thought it was amazing! I really enjoyed seeing his Q&A at Comic Con Amstrdam. He had some very interesting views on film making. And doing the photo op was an unique experience. I loved that he brought a Freddy Krueger glove. It made it a real unforgettable experience. Which actors would you still like to meet?
"Linda Blair from The Exorcist and the other castmembers from the Elm Street movies."
Thank you for this interview! We loved to learn about collecting props and attending comic cons with props. It's so cool and hopefully we'l see you again at another con!
Want to know more about Movie Props NL? Check out the website!
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