This month I didn't watch a lot of movies. At least not as much as I wanted to. This has a lot of reasons, but the main reasons are that I watched a lot of series this month and that I just could not find the time (I do have a social life, haha). But I did watch some great movies and documentaries, so let's get to my list of movies I watched in January!
The Full Monty

When I saw that The Full Monty would be on television one evening, I couldn't resist watching it. I remember renting the movie, when it was just released and since then I've watched it multiple times. The Full Monty is a 1997 British comedy, which stars Robert Carlyle as Gaz and Mark Addy as his best friend David Dave. It's set in Sheffield, which once was the home of a large steel industry. But when the steel factories have to close down, a lot of people become unemployed. Among these people are best friends Gaz and Dave. Gaz has a son and is about to lose him to his ex wife and her new boyfriend, because he can't pay for joint custody. When Gaz and Dave unwillingly stumble upon a Chippendale show, they experience how popular it is among the local women. They decide they want to try this themselves, to raise some money. Together with some former co-workers they start working on an act, but they can't even dance. Soon Gaz realizes that they have to offer something more, if they want the show to be a success. He decides they have to the full monty, which means they have to go completely naked...
I think there are some hilarious scenes in The Full Monty and although I watched it multiple times already; I still loved it. This movie always puts a big smile on my face...
Duration: 95 minutes
Most of you may know the story of Pompeii. Pompeii was an ancient Roman town near the city of Napoli at the base of Mount Vesuvius (a still active volcano). In 79 AD there was a massive eruption that affected Pompeii and neighbor villages. Pompeii was completely destroyed and covered with volcanic ash and pumice. Today Pompeii is a touristic site and UNESCO World Heritage. It was covered by a layer of ash for centuries, the town wasn't effected by moist or air. Because of this it's one of the best preserved ancient Roman towns in the world. It's also known for its human figures. When the city was covered by the pyroclastic flow, a lot of people were killed by it. During excavations in the middle of the 19th century, they found voids in the stone layers where the bodies once lay. Through filling up these layers with plaster, we can get a good view on what they looked like and what they were doing when the volcano erupted. Well so far for the history lesson. I hope you enjoyed it, because I didn't think the movie was very good. It's a story of a forbidden love against background of the eruption. I always wanted to see it, because Kit Harrington (Jon Snow in GOT) is in it, but I think it's kind of a missed chance.
Duration: 105 minutes
Stop at Nothing:The Lance Armstrong Story
Being born in The Netherlands, I grew up with cycling and watching the sport cycling. The biggest event on the cycling calendar is: Le Tour de France. Between 1999 and 2005 Lance Armstrong won this race a record breaking 7 times in a row. This was extra special because this American superhuman had been diagnosed with testicular cancer in 1996, just three years before his first victory in the Tour de France. Because of his supremacy over the years that followed, there were a lot of doping related rumors around him. Armstrong always denied the accusations and his popularity kept on growing, while he founded the "Livestrong Foundation" (to assist other cancer victims). When Armstrong retired the rumors of him using doping (like EPO and testosteron) kept following him and the accusations kept on coming, after some of his former teammates started to give testimonies about the extensive use of performance enhancing drugs within the US Postal Team. Armstrong kept on denying the allegations and started lashing out to everyone who "wronged" him. He was immensly popular and seemed to get away with all the things he did. In 2013 in an interview with Oprah Winfrey, Armstrong confessed he had been lying for all this years and it came to light that he was the centre of the whole thing and teh man behind one of the biggest frauds in sporting history.
In this BBC4 documentary the story is told by the former friends and colleagues, whose lives he destroyed .It's mostly based on the story of former team mate and former best friend Frankie Andreu (and his wife). The documentary shows how extensive the whole operation was and I thought it was very interesting. I knew a lot about Armstrong's story, before I started watching, but after it I was shocked even more. I mean if all of this is true, the guy is kind of a psychopath. I guess we will never know the whole truth, but as a cycling fanatic I loved this one,
Duration: 104 minutes
Ghostbusters (2016)

When I first heard of the plans for an all-female remake/reboot of Ghostbusters, I really didn't know what to think of it. I am a big fan of the old movies and it's always hard for a remake/reboot to live up to the expectations of the fans.
I watched this with my brother, when he came over to our house on one of my sick days last month. I must say I liked it a lot and I don't get why the movie gets so many bad reviews.
Do you wanna know more about the movie and do you want to know what I have to say about it? Check out the review I wrote about it last month.

When I first heard of the movie Chappie, I knew I would wanna watch it. So when I saw the movie on Netflix, my movie choice was made. The movie is set in Johannesburg (South Africa) in the near future. To reduce the high crime rates, the police department has robots patrolling the streets. The robots are designed by Deon Wilson (Dev Patel) and he has also just developed a prototype of Artificial Intelligence that mimics the human mind. Former military Vincent Moore (Hugh Jackman) is also working for the same company (Tetravaal) and he has developed a remotely controlled mega robot called MOOSE. All the attention however goes to Deon and he is praised for the success of the company. Neither the CEO of Tetravaal (played by Sigourney Weaver), nor the police department have any interest in Vincent's MOOSE and that makes him extremely jealous. Deon wants to use his new development to make robots with a human mind, but his boss tells him to abort the project. He still wants to go through with it and wants to use a damaged robot for it. Then he gets kidnapped by three desperate criminals, Ninja (Ninja),Yo-Landi (Yo-Landi Visser) and America (José Pablo Cantillo). They have to pay off a huge debt and want Deon to program the robot to rob a bank with them. They decide to call it Chappie. However when Chappie "wakes up" he acts like a child and nothing like the hardened criminal they need him to be. In the meantime Vincent goes out of his way to bring Deon in discredit and he uses a program that puts all of the police robots offline...
I liked the movie, although it was nothing like I expected. I really liked Sharlto Copely as Chappie and Yo-Landi Visser as the ruthless criminal that develops motherly feelings for Chappie.
Duration: 120 minutes.
Road to Perdition
I love Tom Hanks, I think he is one of the best actors out there! Somehow I just never got to watching this 2002 movie, where Hanks plays the hit-man Mike Sullivan (it's based on the graphic novel with the same name). The movie is set in 1931, in the America of the Great Depression. Mike Sullivan is happily married to his wife Annie (Jennifer Jason Leigh) and a father of two beautiful sons, Michael Junior (Tyler Hoechlin) and Peter (Liam Aiken). Besides this he is also is an enforcer for Irish mob boss John Rooney (Paul Newman). Rooney raised Mike when he was orphaned and he loves him as if he were his son (he actually seems to love Mike more than his own son Connor, played by Daniel Craig). One day when Mike and Connor are on a mission, the 12 year old Michael Jr. hides in the car to see what his father does for a job. He witnesses Connor and his father killing some men and that makes him a liability in the eyes of Connor. Because of this Connor murders Annie and Peter (thinking it was Michael Jr.) and he tries to have Mike killed. Fortunately Mike realizes it's a set up. He and Michael Jr. leave for Chicago to seek help from Al Capone, but he soon discovers that Conner went into hiding. Mike wants to revenge his wife and son and he takes his other son on a bank robbing road trip. Together they try to rob all of Capone's hidden money, so they can bargain with him to give up Connor.
I think this is a great movie and it really shows how versatile Hanks is. No matter what kind of role he plays, he nails it. It was nice to see a young Tyler Hoechlin ( he plays Derek Hale in Teen Wolf). A must-see!
Duration: 117 minutes
On to another absolute must-see. 13th is a 2016 documentary about the American history of racial inequality and how this has influenced the prison system. The name 13th is based on the 13th amendment to the US Constitution. This amendment abolished slavery and the involuntary servitude, unless as a punishment for a crime. The documentary focuses on the last part of this amendment and it states that slavery was never fully abolished, it just turned into a mass incarceration of African Americans.
I think the discrimination of African American is a very big problem in the US and this documentary shows painfully that it has always been there and I think the problem is bigger than ever. 13th has been nominated for the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature and that's more than right! Duration: 100 minutes
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Eugenia (Friday, 03 February 2017 16:56)
Even if you aren't watched so many movies in January, your movie list is simply cool and I am so happy there is a Ghostbusters (2016) It’s on of my favorite movies of all time! I love Tom Hanks too, to me he is one of the greatest and versatile actors! Just remember his amazing roles in Forrest Gamp, The Green Mile, The Terminal and Inferno! Agree, Road to Perdition is definitely a must-see!