Yeah! We received a new BAM Box. We unboxed it and made a vlog for you again. And for the people who prefer reading: We'll discuss the contents of the BAM Box below! The theme of this month was Adult Cartoons.
South Park

The pin in the BAM Box this month is Cartman! Who doesn't know this guy from South Park? Sig loves to watch South Park and was very pleased with this pin! People would either receive a pin of Cartman, Chief or Kenny! I (Liv) also had the Cartman pin and I love it. Cartman has always been my favourite "South Park" character, so this is just great.
Betty Boop

The BAM Box also included the exclusive Betty Boop volume #1, signed by cover artist Ken Haesar! I haven't opened it yet. It looks so nice this way!
I received the exclusive Betty Boop Volume #2. It is also signed by Ken Haesar, but mine is in full colour. The sleeve has a seal on it, so I think it's a shame to break the seal and open it. Maybe I'll open it later, but for now it looks great like it is.
Who framed Roger Rabbit?

Have all of you seen "Who Framed Roger Rabbit"? I didn't haha. But I did recognize this more or less as being from that movie. This a signed item from the BAM Box. On the photo you see cosplayer Kirsten Lanae as Jessica Rabbit. The picture is also signed by her. I was 8 years old when the movie cameout and I remember I first saw it at a birthday party not long after that. It was quite unique when it came out and when I saw this picture I immediately knew it had something to do with Jessica Rabbit.
The Simpsons

This is BY FAR my favorite item in this month's BAM box! I totally love it. Even though I've only seen 1 season of the Simpsons (but we have them all on DVD, Sig loves it). I really like the characters from the Simpsons. And this metal sign of Homer Simpson is just awesome! It says 'Crazy people are more fun.' Well, that's so true, isn't it?
I couldn't agree more...This is favorite item (although Cartman came close). I love "The Simpsons" and this metal sign is pretty cool!!!
Sketch Wizard of Barge

This was an item I didn't recognize. It looked familiar, but I had no idea where it was from. When I looked into the spoiler booklet I found out it was 'Bob's Cronen-Burgers', made by Wizard of Barge. Same here!!
Write a comment
Ree love30 (Sunday, 04 December 2016 01:02)
You've never watched who framed Roger rabbit?? Arghh such a classic! But I guess I've never seen a lot of classics you have seen! That south Park pin is so cool! And the metal sign of homer is brilliant! Great bam box. Ree Love30
Maky Churchill (Sunday, 04 December 2016 07:30)
Happy duo.Beautiful review.
Imaobong (Saturday, 10 December 2016 12:35)
Lol okay so this box got me giggling and a tiny bit jealous -- I love everything in it!
Especially The Simpsons :-D
Hang Around The World (Saturday, 10 December 2016 20:12)
A very cool BAM Box!! I really love Betty Boop volume #1 it's so classic, it reminds me my childhood. The one with Jessica Rabbit is so original and the fact that is signed by Kristen Lanae makes it even more special.
I don't like the picture of Homer Simpson because I visualize him only like the one in the cartoon. - A
Sauumye Chauhan (Sunday, 11 December 2016 11:22)
I have never heard of Bam Box. Do they deliver internationally??? I love the products featuring South Park and The Simpsons!! I still haven't seen Who framed Roger Rabbit. Maybe I should soon. I would love to subscribe to the Bam Box!!!
Conmose (Carola) (Sunday, 11 December 2016 15:28)
Sauumye, the BAM Box currently ships to 6 countries: USA, Canada, Great Brittain, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand.
I live in the Netherlands, but they won't be shipping to the NL anymore as from 2017 unfortunately :(.
You can check it out on
Adeola Naomi (Sunday, 11 December 2016 20:05)
I am a big fan of the Simpson too, I do agree that crazy people are more fun and this box sounds like a great one.
Have a wonderful week.
belinda (Monday, 12 December 2016 00:34)
I'm a huge south park and Simpsons fan. I want to try Betty Boo
lex (Tuesday, 13 December 2016 13:27)
always been a cartoon lover, so watching adult cartoons will even make more sense to me for i know there is a matured story line and concept to it. strange enough the ones mentioned here i have never heared of. will try and see if i get a chance to know more on them if time permits.
Belinda (Tuesday, 13 December 2016 15:29)
So after watching the video, I decided to look for betty boo. I'm in Czech Republic right now and it's not on the list of countries that Bam Box ships to. I'm happy though cause I have a friend who can receive it and send it to me. I still thing Simpsons and south park won't be out-shined
Mitesh (Friday, 16 December 2016 05:40)
Betty Boop looks something news to me, will surely watch its videos at YouTube.