We need you! We started vlogging recently. and we've made a couple now. Mainly about our moment at Comic Cons. Describing the most funny moments but also letting you know what we did at a convention. Plus we have our regular unboxing of the BAM box of course! And we will keep on vlogging. Because of that, we need you! Let us know in the comment: What do you want us to vlog about? Anything movie, series or Comic Con related is fine! It can be a movie review, seeing us watch a movie or series. But you can also give us a challenge. We're up for anything ;)! This is your chance!
Write a comment
Ree love30 (Saturday, 19 November 2016 23:50)
I think you'll know what my answer to this will be! ! The Walking Dead!! I keep checking your site to see if you've blogged about the most recent episode
Conmose.com (Sunday, 20 November 2016 00:28)
We will be vlogging about the upcoming episode somewhere next week. Your wish is our command. Keep checking the website.
Борка Шаула (Sunday, 20 November 2016 12:10)
I love watching vlogs and would love to start myself too, but I am a bit shy. Until I pass my fear no vlogs from me. But I would like if you could do vlogs at events and maybe some vlogs with actors!
Me-An Clemente (Sunday, 20 November 2016 21:39)
We've been vlogging ourselves too but usually about food :) I learned from you to get the feedback of readers. Personaly, I suggest doing reaction movies of your favorite movies. I think it will be so much fun :)
Conmose.com (Sunday, 20 November 2016 21:46)
We will try to do an event vlog at the next convention we attend.
Me-An what exactly do you want?
You want us to vlog about our favorite movies?
Airina Desuyo (Tuesday, 22 November 2016 12:35)
I just want to say that I am really in awe of vloggers. Shooting, editing, and publishing videos are tough works! I don't know if I will go that route but for now I'm just enjoying all your videos :) Keep it up!
annanuttall.com (Wednesday, 23 November 2016 21:28)
OOoh Carole, I have subscribed to your channel. Well done you. xx