We went to Weekend of Hell! Yeah! And we loved it SO much. It was really really great. Today I'll tell you about meeting the Walking Dead actor Lew Temple at Weekend of Hell!
Lew Temple is an American actor. I know Lew mainly for his roles in the Rob Zombie movies the Devil's Rejects (= My favorite movie!), Halloween and 31. I also know him as Axel in the Walking Dead. You might also know him for Unstoppable, Lawless, Trailer Park of Terror, Domino and more! I was exited when I read that Lew would be attending Weekend of Hell. I had never met him before and I was happy to get the opportunity. I think Lew Temple is a great actor. He can really play any role. He began his acting career in the Alley Theatre in Houston, Texas. Then he got television and movie roles as well. He has also had a career in baseball. He has been the scout for the New York Mets (1986) and for the Astros, he was Assistant Director of Minor League Operations and Scouting.
A lot of other actors who also star in Rob Zombie's "31", joined him at Weekend of Hell: Meg Foster, Richard Brake, David Ury, Jeff Daniel Philips, Pancho Moler and Torsten Voges. That's quite a lot isn't it? I'm a big fan of the movies that Rob Zombie makes, so I was very glad to see them all at the convention.
Q&A 31 with Lew Temple

Of course we attended the Q&A of the cast of "31". It was great to see them all together and hear more about the movie. "31" is a 2016 horror movie. A group of people is traveling together. But at a certain moment they get abducted. They need to play a game called '31'. In this game, the instruction is simple: Try not to get killed. Murderers looking like clowns, called the Heads, will try to kill them all.
Almost all the clowns (the Heads) from the movie attended Weekend of Hell. Lew Temple plays the role of Psycho-Head. The other Heads are: Doom-Head (Richard Brake), Sick-Head (Pancho Moler), Schizo-Head (David Ury), Death-Head (Torsten Voges). And there was also Sex-Head, played by Elizabeth Daily. but she didn't attend Weekend of Hell. I loved seeing a big part of the cast. I liked the movie and how often do you get the chance to see such a big part of the cast together? It was great hearing about the movie and their roles. They look like a great team and they were all great in the Q&A. And Lew Temple was even thanking everyone when he left the stage.
Getting an autograph from Lew Temple

When Liv and I entered Weekend of Hell, of course we went to see the actors. We always do and it's fun! For me it's a moment to meet the person, the actor himself. And to talk a bit and get a glimpse of the person behind these characters. I knew Lew Temple for the Walking Dead, 31 and more and so I was excited to be able to get an autograph. At first we just walked around. Then we also checked out the merchandise at the convention and all the other things. When we walked by the actors again, Liv started to take some pictures. Soon, I saw that Lew Temple was very active. When Liv wanted to make a photo, he did a pose and smiled. And I saw him doing that way more often. I really liked that. He seemed very kind! I also saw him interacting with fans a lot and talking while signing autographs.
I really liked Lew Temple in "31", "The Devil's Rejects" and "The Walking Dead". I knew I wanted to get an autograph, but we also had a busy schedule! I decided to do in on day 2. The second day, of course I freaked out. I always do. We walked by, and there were some people at his table. So I decided to wait. And then we walked by again, and then I decided I wanted to drink a cola first.
After that we walked by and I doubted because all of the actors almost had their photo shoot. And this went on and on. By the time I did go, I almost didn't because I must have seemed like a fool haha. Walking by so many times!
But Liv pushed me a little and I felt a little more courageous. And I decided to go for it! And I can tell you, I don't regret it. It was great. I told him I had watched "31", and he asked me whether I liked clowns. I do! At least, in horror movies haha. I don't actually like 'funny' clowns. Because they usually don't make me laugh. (Which makes me think of Captain Spaulding in the Devil's Rejects: "What's the matter kid, don't you like clowns? Why? Don't we make you laugh? Aren't we fucking funny? You better come up with an answer because I'm going to come back here and check on you and your mamma."). I also told him I liked other Rob Zombie movies like "The House of 1000 Corpses" and "The Devil's Rejects".
Then I picked this picture of 31 and Lew signed it. I also brought him a present: Schuimpjes. It's some kind of candy. Like meringues, but still different. He was really grateful and opened it and tasted it immediately. And he liked it! Check out the video below to see it yourself!
I was very happy to meet him. My experience was great. He's a very friendly man and he was great to everyone! If you see him at a convention, be sure to say hi!

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Ree love30 (Wednesday, 16 November 2016 15:03)
Oh wow I know Lew temple from the devil's rejects which I just watched the other day. Wrong in so many ways but great! Also watched 31 and obviously know him from the walking dead. He's a great actor, jealous you met him! ! Ree Love30
Hang Around The World (Wednesday, 16 November 2016 21:37)
Omg you have met Lew Temple!! We love his role in the action film Domino.
It's so amazing that you attended the Q&A plus you got an autograph from him!! We can imagine your emotions...!!
Kitchie (Thursday, 17 November 2016 04:45)
Wow, you met Axel in person!!! I am just glad that Liv encouraged you to approach him. I also can sense the emotions you experienced through your writing, as if I was there with you...
blair villanueva (Friday, 18 November 2016 04:47)
OMG i'm so glad you met your favorite stars. Like you, I always freakin out whenever i saw my favorites but very seldom chance to have a photo of them.
Indrani (Friday, 18 November 2016 05:50)
How lucky you could meet the actors of your dreams!
Yo are right funny clowns don't make us laugh anymore. Could it be because we have lost the child in us?!
Michelle (Friday, 18 November 2016 19:22)
I honestly don't know who Lew Temple is, please forgive me for that. But if he's an actor from TWD, then he must be really a well-known and very good actor! :D And I think you're so lucky to have met him. I can only imagine the thrill and excitement you felt. I bet my friends who are great fans of TWD knows him, too.
Jimmy & Tina Durham (Friday, 18 November 2016 21:01)
Very cool opportunity to meet Lew Temple, you sure do have some pretty awesome experiences!
Tammy (Friday, 18 November 2016 23:13)
Great article, sharing with my daughter.
John Pena (Saturday, 19 November 2016 05:55)
I like watching horror movies but reading this, I can say I am really not on the fan-level. I have no idea who Lew Temple is and his movies haha. I searched - Devil's Rejects and it has pretty good reviews. Will definitely watch it!! And all those other movies you said *evil laugh*
Stargazer (Saturday, 19 November 2016 07:00)
Awesome! As a person who have met some people I idolize, I am happy for you! I bet you couldn't sleep well after you met him! Congrats on getting an autograph!
Ferna (Saturday, 19 November 2016 07:51)
That's really awesome that you met ALEX in person, for sure, a lot of us got so envy you. I like Alex by the way, so I can relate to your article. And it also made me feel that I was with you.
Andrew (Saturday, 19 November 2016 09:26)
I bet you had so much fun and were thrilled to have met Law! Sadly, I haven't seen the Devil's Rejects. I'm gonna try to watch it over the weekend haha! Great article btw :)
Sriparna (Saturday, 19 November 2016 15:15)
Good for you,to be able to encounter with your dream stars! I Hadn't heard of Lew until your post! It's good to learn about another great personality. I love your unique posts:)
Andrea (Saturday, 19 November 2016 16:06)
It is exciting to meet somebody that you really admire. They usually come across very different in real life and look different too without all the makeup, etc on. Maybe not so much in this case. Pleased d you had a good time and love the photos. The idea of the video is very good as well as we can see the actual event and well done for securing the autograph.
Mommy Queenelizabeth (Saturday, 19 November 2016 16:49)
I think ive read another part of your weeked of hell visit. Glad you really really enjoyed. This is another star strucking moment. Im not really familiar with this character and even the film. Im not really into watching but i do love to learn about people and celebrities on your page. This entice me and hopefully i could find time to watch
Charlotte Anne (Tuesday, 22 November 2016 06:56)
Let me be frank in this post. I don't know Lew Temple. I read here that he is one of The Walking Dead, on what season did he appear? Hehe. I only got to watch The Walking Dead until season 4 only. Speaking of which, I will be watching The Walking Dead and be stay up-to-date with the latest seasons.
theresa (Friday, 25 November 2016 02:28)
Not a fan of anything horror but meeting the stars is different. I don't know. I just don't like watching those type of film not because it's scary but because I don't like getting surprised. I feel heavy watching those afterwards.
Sam (@followyouroad) (Friday, 25 November 2016 13:39)
Wow, this is so apt for Halloween! I love the signed illustration. IT's the first time I've seen it to be honest. Walking Dead has really brought many stars to its shows!