The BAM box is a monthly mystery subscription box. It contains collectibles, limited edition items, exclusives and autographs. They guarantee at least 1 autographed item in every box. The theme of this month was 'Watching'! Check out our vlog to see what we thought of the box. I'll also tell you a bit more in this blog!

The picture above, is a photo of the pin! This was the first thing I saw in the Bam Box and I was SO excited to see this. I'm a huge fan of thee Child's Play movies and I'm so glad with this pin. It's awesome! It's on my backpack now, and I'm really happy with it.
Then we unpacked the rest of the box. You can see that in the video! I'm a huge fan of horror movies and it was a good box for me :). I'll keep it short here, because you can see everything in the video! But there's a picture of Scream and it's signed by Skeet Ulrich! That's awesome right? Another great autograph to add to my collection. And there was an art print of Freddy vs. Jason. Love that one as well! I've already met Robert Englund (Freddy Krueger) and at Weekend of Hell we saw Ken Kirzinger (Jason Voorhees in Freddy vs. Jason). So that makes it extra nice to receive this art print. I love it. Besides that, the BAM box also contained a S-mart employee badge (from Army of Darkness), a demonic box puzzle cube and Kiss comic. What do you think of this BAM box?
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Imaobong (Sunday, 13 November 2016 18:41)
Lol wow
That BAM box really is loaded, I loved all of its content!
And I really really really like that pin, definitely my kind of thing too :-D
blair villanueva (Tuesday, 15 November 2016 15:19)
Oh this is a cute scary pin. Child's Play is th first horror movie that made me scared when I was a little girl. It gave me chill to my bones, lol
lex (Tuesday, 15 November 2016 19:47)
hahahaha, scary but fun... i like everything about this i gotta say.
Jimmy & Tina Durham (Tuesday, 15 November 2016 20:35)
Wow, pretty cool, The Bam box sound like it would be nice to receive once in a while! (Wednesday, 16 November 2016 16:32)
The pin does look interesting.
It is a good collectible for you now. Though I like horror stories, movies are scary stuff.
Nicole P. (Friday, 18 November 2016 15:34)
An autographed picture of scream! YAS! Anyways, I have been admiring your monthly subscriptions, and let me just say that I am now very very happy because we also have a new geeky subscription box up for grabs here in the PH. The first box's theme is Harry Potter, and let me just tell thanks to you, someone here in the PH finally filled the void of having geeky stuff delivered to our doorstep! Looks like you enjoyed the box in your video.. more unboxing videos soon please? :D
BTW, the name of the subscription box here in PH is What The Box.. or WTB hehehe :D