This week I'm choosing a comedy as series tip of the week! I decided we could use some fun. I looked around and checked our dvd collection. Which series would be suitable for this week! My eye fell on the Office. I've seen a few episodes of the series throughout the years. It was only after getting to know Sig that I also really got to know this series. He already owned all the seasons on dvd. So we started watching..
Who's currently working in an office or have worked in an office? * Raise your hands*. Oh yeah, I thought so.. Quite a lot of you! Well me too! And what I love the most about the Office is that it's very recognizable. You'll a lot of typical characters and behavior you'll find in every office. (And of course some extreme situation that I really hope you don't recognize haha) For the ones who don't know this series: I'll explain a bit what it's about. The Office is about a group of office workers. They work for a paper company called Dunder Mifflin. You mainly follow their working day at the company. And there's days are not boring at all I can assure you.
How about the actors?
The Office really has some amazing actors. The one you probably know best is Steve Carell! In the Office, he plays Michael Scott: The manager. One of his best known quotes is: "Would I rather be feared or loved? Easy, both! I want people to be afraid of how much the love me." He's a manager like you've never seen before. He is irresponsible, rude, funny, arrogant etc! He wants all of his employees to see him as a friend. He thinks he is the BEST BOSS EVER (Which he réally isn't). He's trying to make jokes all day. And with that he's insulting people and he makes fun of them. But still he thinks he's just awesome.
A character I really like in the Office is Dwight! Do you agree? You probably either hate him or love him. I think every office has, more or less, a sort of a Dwight. Dwight (portayed by Rainn Wilson) is the best salesman. But he seriously lacks some social skills. For me he really is the most important character in the Office. The series wouldn't be the same without him. Dwight totally adores Michael. And loves to call himself 'assistant to the manager'. He doesn't like the other employees though. He really wants authority over them. He acts like he knows éverything (also non work subjects). With that, he often annoys his colleagues. A few of my favorite Dwight quotes: "You couldn't handle my undivided attention." and "I never smile if I can help it. Showing one's teeth is a submission signal in primates. When someone smiles at me, all I see is a chimpanzee begging for its life."
Then we have the lovebirds: Pam (Jenna Fischer) & Jim (John Krasinki). What's an office without a romance? Will they be together? Or not? Will Pam marry the guy she's engaged to for years? Or will she pick Jim? They're cute friends/ potential couple. And luckily it's not only goody-goody. They of some great pranks in the office which will definitely make you laugh!
Some more employees in the office are:
Toby(Paul Lieberstein), the HR representative. Michael hátes him.
Angela (Angela Kinsey): The cold and uptight cat lady, who's the head of the accounting department.
Stanley (Leslie David Baker): a sales representative who really dislikes Michael. He's grumpy and stays away from all the pranks.
Kelly (Mindy Kaling): She's a customer service representative. She's very chatty and loves gossiping.
Who will like this?
It's a comedy series! So you have to be up for a laugh ;). As I've told before: I don't watch a lot comedy movies or series. I just don't laugh that quickly in front of the TV. But: I really really liked the Office. You can see some things just happen in your own office. The Office is actually an adaptation of the series the Office on BBC. I haven only watched the Office US series. Has anyone also seen original Office series? I'd just say: If you like the idea of pranks, competition and discussions in an office: try it out for a few episodes. Find out if it makes you laugh! They really did an effort in making it look like a documentary more than a regular comedy. And I really enjoy that. I think it's a big plus they don't use studio audience or laugh tracks. The characters also know there's a camera. They use it to talk to, to gives look. I think that's really fun. It makes you feel a part of their group.
How many seasons?
There are 9 seasons!
My opinion
I really loved this series! I'll give you a few reasons:
1. The characters. They're great!! They all have their own weirdness. It just so much fun to look at.
2. I can relate. Some things feel so familiar. It feels like you could be in the Office as well.
3. The pranks. They do awesome pranks in the office. They always find something funny. Can't stop laughing.
4. Their work attitude. It's so much fun to see how they all interpret their jobs and how they compete for better positions.
5 Talking to the camera. It makes you feel part of their group. They talk to you, give you looks. You feel part of the prank or whatever else is going on.
Imdb: 8,8
Mine: 8
Anyone here who also watched this series? What's your favourite series? Have been addicted to a series? What series (or genres) would you like to see in Series Tip of the Week?

Write a comment
Anna Nuttall (Wednesday, 21 September 2016 22:27)
I have watched both the UK and US version and found neither funny. Maybe it just me but I didn't get the humor. xx
blair villanueva (Thursday, 22 September 2016 14:46)
Hello Carola! Ohh that's cool collection! I haven't watch Office yet... but I'm also an office girl.. and YES I don't need to watch the movie and witness TONS of OFFICE DRAMA... sometimes I'm sitting their watching them and I'm eating popcorn, LOL..
ROBERT LEE (Thursday, 22 September 2016 17:22)
A fun loving girl like you should enjoy watching this. Hahaha. I am more the thriller kinda guy and superheroes too. Arrow and Flash and Supergirl! Yeah! So that is like 9 seasons. One thing great. You don't have to wait quite a bit of time and especially during breaks in between series... You can do a marathon.
Iris (Thursday, 22 September 2016 18:44)
I've never seen it, although I've heard a lot about it. I'm really willing to cause Catherine Tate's starring and I absolutely love her!
Ree (Thursday, 22 September 2016 20:57)
I actually really like the US version. I didn't think I would but was pleasantly surprised! Ree love30
Nilyn (Thursday, 22 September 2016 21:56)
I've watched a few clips and trailers of The Office US before commenting here, lol! I haven't watched this before, or maybe I have but just a very few clips online. Jim Carey is such a hilarious and unintelligent boss here! haha. I watched the interview clip of one of Dwight interviewing himself, haha. I'd like to do that in my future interviews! lol.
Mommy Queenelizabeth (Friday, 23 September 2016 00:47)
Oh! I love watching series. Like i can sit with them all day whenever i have free time. Weekends are my favorite coz i get to finish quite a number of episodes. Im not much into comedy series. I like fictional and suspense! Currently im hooked on Arrow! Can't wait for Season 5 this October.. The Office seems to be interesting too, a different genre.. I will check if we have it on iflix!
Kris (Friday, 23 September 2016 03:16)
9 seasons and I haven't even watched a single episode. What cave am I living in? Haha! Im one of those poeple who's living in a corporate jungle so I guess I can relate to this. I'll check this one out over the weekend. :)
Bea (Friday, 23 September 2016)
I'm kinda in the TV series hiatus right now but I'll definitely add this on the list. I love comedy series like the Two Broke Girls and Big Bang Theory. And since I'm also on a office environment, I'll totally relate to this. I hope it's on Netflix though.
Maerose JS (Friday, 23 September 2016 09:01)
My bf had been talking about the Office tv series before, but I wasn't really listening. :P Guess your article is a sign that I should give it a go. We love watching tv series. We saw Shameless and The Big bang theory together, and now we're watching Friends. Suits is next in the list. He's also fond of Community, so I want to watch that, too. Then, The Office. We'll see. Well, I liked some tv series even before, and TBBT, HIMYM and Drop Dead Diva are some of my favorites. Good review and recommendation!
theresa (Friday, 23 September 2016 14:22)
I maybe one of the so called millenials because I don't know these. But I think it looks like a good series. I am more into Korean series even if I have to deal with the subs. It looks a little tedious but it's bearable.
John Rodgers (Friday, 23 September 2016 14:54)
This was not a series that I watched. I do like Steve Carel and his movies, especially his interpretation of Maxwell Smart. I know that this was a huge hit in the U.S. and since I love comedy I am a little surprised it was not on my list. Now that we travel 365 having the option to catch a show from the U.S. or even U.K. is something we rarely get.
Kareen Liez Datoy (Friday, 23 September 2016 17:21)
Haven't heard this series before but based on your review, this could be a good choice for a series to watch while I'm on break from work. I work at home but I seldom watch TV. Sometimes, I watch some series with my mother on iFlix.
Ruxandra (Friday, 23 September 2016 18:37)
I started watching it but didn't keep up. I do agree it is a really good and funny TV series with great actors. I also started at some point to watch Parks & Recreation.
Berlin (Saturday, 24 September 2016 03:40)
This pushes me to really look for a dvd copy of this to watch the past episodes. Or better yet, keep a schedule of its airing. From your post, it looks like this is such a fun watch.
Johna (Saturday, 24 September 2016 15:35)
Heard soooooo much about this series! Will definitely add it to my list. I always used to see GIFs on tumblr and they always crack me up even though I've never seen an episode. Hahaha!
Jessica (Saturday, 24 September 2016 16:10)
Never watched this series. But I have been reading good reviews on it. Still have a long list to watch for the weekend, but will definitely add this. Sounds so much fun to watch.
Malaika Fernandes (Sunday, 25 September 2016 12:49)
Never heard about this but definitely going to watch it. He si one of my actors dont know how i missed this one. As always thank you for the tip off
Kat (Monday, 26 September 2016 13:49)
This is my boyfriend's favorite tv series so I had to watch it (#GirlfriendDuties). I loved the show but stopped at the last 2 seasons. After Steve Carell left it just went downhill. I just skipped to the last episode. A pity too because I love the format and the characters.
Lesley-Anne (Wednesday, 28 September 2016 23:15)
Great review. I love the US Office. Have you seen the british Office? Sooo gooood :)