Let's talk about preconceptions today! It's about movies.. But it is something most of us are probably guilty of. Preconceptions about movies, series, actors, actresses. I do it to! I'll share some of them with you and explain. But I will also tell about the times I was wrong. Yes, when I was wrong. Bottom line is: You might be sure you don't like a certain genre or actor. But you might be missing out because of it! I will share some of my preconceptions with you. I'll also tell you if I changed my mind or if I still feel this way. I'd love to hear about your preconceptions as well!
Boxing movies
I don't like boxing movies. So for years I didn't watch anything that even looked like it just a little bit. One time, Sig and I went to the sneak preview. Do you know what that is? You'll go to cinema and you don't know which movie you'll see. The tickets are cheaper than for a regular movie. And mostly you'll see a movie that's coming out soon. I like to go to sneak preview now and then, just because I like to be surprised sometimes. And also to not be stuck in my preconceptions and to be challenged to try something different. So, this particular evening the sneak preview was the movie "Warrior". You're expecting me to say that this movie changed my opinion about boxing movies right? Well.. No. I hated the movie. Yes I know Tom Hardy plays one of the main characters. No, that didn't make it any better for me. I really really didn't like this movie and it made me even certain 'boxing movies' were not my thing.
I continued to resist watching Fight Club. Whenever Sig suggested on watching this movie, I was unrelenting: "No, I don't like boxing movies." Even though Sig continued to tell me this wasn't really a boxing movie. Well, I didn't believe that. the title was "Fight Club" (What should you expect from a movie called "Fight Club"??) and on Imdb the movies is decribed as "An insomniac office worker, looking for a way to change his life, crosses paths with a devil-may-care soap maker, forming an underground fight club that evolves into something much, much more." The only thing I could see was FIGHT.
By the time the memory of "Warrior" had faded a bit, I was less resistant. So one night, I agreed to watch "Fight Club". Just because Sig promised me it wasn't a boxing movie. And I really loved the movie! It's a real classic and I'm so glad I watched it. There's much more to it than fighting. So piece by piece I was accepting that not all movies that seemed a boxing movie, were one. Then the moment came that Carl Weather was announced as a guest for Amsterdam Comic Con. And this, yes it's true, made me watch "Rocky"!! And surprisingly enough, I liked the movie. It wasn't the best movie I've ever seen. But: I really enjoyed it and I will watch another "Rocky" movie at some point. All this made me way more mild on 'boxing movies'. Now, I'll also check the trailer and read more about the story. Luckily I didn't stick to my preconception. Otherwise I would have missed seeing some awesome movies!
I on the other hand am quite fond of boxing movies, so here are a few of my personal tips (in random order):
1. "Million Dollar Baby"
2. "Raging Bull"
3. "Rocky I-IV"
4. "Cinderella Man"
5. "Fight Club"
(assuming we call this a boxing movie)
Black and White movies
I like movies in color. I just don't like watching anything in black and white. I just feel more distance when I'm watching a movie in black and white. When Sig buys new dvds I usually go through them to see if there are movies we might like to watch together. Anything that's just back & white goes on the 'no' pile. Without reading the plot. And unfortunately I'm still not over this preconception. I still think like that. I have seen some black & white movies. But that's just because for example I hear VERY good things about these movies. I have watched "Schindler's List". There are so many great reviews on this movie. And besides I find the story very interesting and important so I decided to watch it. Besides: Sig and I are going to Krakow this year. So there's another reason to watch this movie. I loved the movie. It's really great. And I even forgot about the black & white for a moment. It doesn't go that well all the time. I watched : "Ed Wood" and I hated it. Ok, I admit it: I didn't give it a fair chance. Sig was so convinced that I would love this movie. And just decided I didn't. So I already started to watch it with that feeling haha. So I didn't enjoy watching it. Multiple things contributed to that: My attitude, black & white, Johnny Depp (sorry, not a fan) and I just didn't really like the story. How do you feel about movies in black & white?
Oh my god Carola B&W movies are great! Silent b&w movies form the foundation of everything we see now. Let me just give you some tips about what to watch, besides "Schindler's List":
1. Anything from Laurel&Hardy
(they're just magnificent)
2. "It's a wonderful Life"
(I watch this almost every christmas, it's the ultimate
feel good movie)
3. "Some Like it Hot"
4. "Psycho"
(the original)
5. "The Birds"
I could go on and on. A big part of the movies regarded as the best of all time are in b&w, like: "Citizen Kane", "Casablanca", "The Third Man", "Roman Holiday", "Gone with the Wind", "Nosferatu", "King Kong", "Frankenstein" and so on.
Mafia & Western movies
This one is harder for me to explain. It's not that I really hate mafia movies. I just never feel like watching one. When you show me one, I might think: Yeah looks fine. But I will never actually feel like watching it. I know it's not true, but for me it feels like very mafia movie is just the same. Yes, I have seen "The Godfather" (Just 1+ 2). I liked these movies. Obviously, the acting is great. The story is well written. And to me, it just stays a nice movie. I think it's great. But it's not in my top movie list. Besides "The Godfather", I can't name any great mafia movies actually. Do you? Let me know! Help me get rid of my preconception ;).
Oh I will help you Carola! My god woman! First thing you do when you read this is watch "Goodfellas" and "Casino". Then watch "Scarface", "The Departed", "Donnie Brasco", "Once upon a time in America", "Carlito's Way", "The Untouchables", "A Bronx Tale", "Mean Streets", "The Krays" and "True Romance". Then we can talk ;)
And Western.. Yeah.. When I think of a Western I just see this one scene in my head: A guy who is getting a drink at a bar. The another guy comes in (Kicks in the typical Western door). Shoots: Bang, Bang. Looks angry. Guy who was having a drink: Jumps, kicks & survives. He beats the guy. Haha that's in a nutshell why I don't want to watch Westerns.. Convince me: what's a really good Western? (Without this scene haha). Okay same thing, let's watch "Once upon a time in the West", "For a few Dollars more", "Pale Rider", "The Good, the bad and the Ugly", "Tombstone", "The Quick and the Dead". "A Fistfull of Dollars". "High Noon", "Django Unchained", "Rio Bravo"and so on. Great movies!
How about you?
How about you? Do you have a type of movies you don't like? And is there an exception to it?
Write a comment
Berlin (Sunday, 18 September 2016 14:54)
I love boxing movies. A favorite is the Million Dollar Baby of Hillary Swank. I also love Cinderella Man. As for black and white, got so many favorites. Schindler's List included.
Allison Smith (Sunday, 18 September 2016 15:11)
I admit it. I'll make a call on the shorts whether it's something I will enjoy. I hate anything sci-fi. Unless I go to the cinema I tend to have movies on as 'background noise' while I am doing other things so I don't like to complicated plots that I can't pick up on if I miss bits. I think we are all guilty of this!
ROBERT LEE (Sunday, 18 September 2016 16:03)
Preconceptions, whether in movies, or in anything else, is not good. We miss out on a lot because of that. Take for instance once, a long time ago, if I decided there is no way I am gonna win by buying a ticket, I wouldn't have won a car. :) <--- true. Anyway... movies and series... oh yead. Couple of good ones. Desperate Housewives and Sex and the City. I didn't want to watch them but when I did, I was hooked.
Laveena Sengar (Sunday, 18 September 2016 16:21)
I love romantic comedies personally. But I don't make an assumption of any other genres. I look forward to every genre that I watch and it's surprising how much I end up liking them all :)
Deanna (Sunday, 18 September 2016 19:18)
Vampire movies. Hate 'em! Not that I haven't tried watching them. I think the only ( very slight) exception would be The Lost Boys from 1987 with Kiefer Sutherland and Corey Haim - who I had a crush on at the time which is probably why I tolerated the movie.
Mommy Queenelizabeth (Sunday, 18 September 2016 23:53)
Preconceptions.. Interesting... I do this a lot on movies! My husband loves movies a lot and there are just some of which i realy dont like watching, but then whenever i dont have a choice but just watch with him, i get hooked and find out something interesting about the movies he watched, he's a sucker for boxing movies! While i do really enjoy sitting on series.. :)
Jessica (Monday, 19 September 2016 03:57)
Not a big fan of black and white movies too. Maybe because I get used to colored and well visualised scenes. Nevertheless, there are few classic movies in black and white which I really want to watch due to the story. For the genres, maybe not into horror. Fantasy, RomCom and Documentary style are what I like.
Maria (Monday, 19 September 2016 17:32)
Not a fan of horror films! I get scared especially because my imagination can be so wild. I have watched black and white movies because I got curious on how were the films before. I have a copy of The Godfather trilogy and I really want to watch it but haven't got the time and also, maybe because I really don't like those kind of movies. Who knows? Haha!
Malaika Fernandes (Tuesday, 20 September 2016 09:54)
True missed out on a lot of great movies because of how i perceived them often stereo typing them with others that were not such a great watch in the past. being a movie buff i tend to watch a lot of movies
Ree (Tuesday, 20 September 2016 14:57)
Yes I'm exqcyou the same!! I'm so set in my ways and only really ever watch horror or action
Hang Around The World (Tuesday, 20 September 2016 15:46)
Thanks for asking me my opinion. I like adventure and dramatic movies so much, but on tv or at the cinema I usually watch everything. I love movies in general :)
blair villanueva (Tuesday, 20 September 2016 16:08)
Same here, not a fan of boxing movie, but I give a good credit for Million Dollar Baby, I think this is one boxing movie I got hooked.
For B&W movies I love Casablanca, Roman Holiday, Gone With the Wind, and most Audrey Hepburn films :D
Mimi (Tuesday, 20 September 2016 17:32)
You are purely so right. I have judge covers of movies and genres (actors too actually) and that stopped me from watching good movies. I only realize it after I see it by accident on TV or a friend forces me to watch!
Iris (Tuesday, 20 September 2016 18:14)
Haha I too have the one of boxing movies. Well, actually of sport movies. But I really am striving to widen my perspective.
Good that you have watched Fight Club, besides being a classic, it really involves you and stimulates thinking.
Freelancer Philippines (Tuesday, 20 September 2016 20:59)
I don't like movies with very cheap visual effects.. not including movies from the past, like starwars. I mean, back then, those effects are awesome.. but new movies today with crappy visual effects.. once I see them, I start sleeping..
Kimberly C. (Wednesday, 21 September 2016 01:05)
I understand how you feel... I have the same about western movies. Somehow if Clint Eastwood isn't in it, I won't give it a chance. Not good, because I know I'm missing out. I gotta lighten up a little ;)
Bernadette Angelie Pangilinan (Wednesday, 21 September 2016 13:19)
I don't understand why you don't like boxing movies. I have a few local favorites, the one being the story of Manny Pacquiao before he became The Manny Pacquiao we know now. The other one is a story of the life of a filipino olympian boxer :)
sabine - so far so sabine (Wednesday, 21 September 2016 16:25)
I don't like movies like Starwars. I don't like space and I don't like wars. I like funny movies and I love easy movies, just to relax and don't think too much. However if I'm in an active mood, I like a movie with a deep and good story. I love romantic movies like the notebook. I always cry when I see that one =)
Dunja (Wednesday, 21 September 2016 20:39)
Haha, i watched Raging Bull just yesterday. I don't really have a genre i particularly don't like except American romantic comedies. I could watch them but they're all the same and you know how is it going to end. I prefer watching classics :)
Melissa (Saturday, 24 September 2016 11:35)
I dont like boxing movies too. Watching them makes me dizzy and more often than that, I find the sport a big boring. Maybe it's because I don't like blood and physical sports. Haha! I do love romantic comedies and old classics like The Breakfast Club, Parent Trap, etc. :)
DamianSz (Sunday, 25 September 2016 10:36)
Preconceptions - the main reason I stopped watching most of the movies, which are coming to the cinemas and those who are strongly recommended by the others. I really try not to judge the movie before I watch it, but sometimes it is really hard ! Concerning the mafia movies - my brother was the one, who made me a huge fan of this type of movies - at first I was bored by even thinking about watching them. I should be judging particular productions after I watched them. Really good blog text, keep up the great work !
-Lify Gent www.lifygent.com
Flordeliz Fullo (Monday, 26 September 2016 08:17)
I do not watch boxing movies often because fight scenes are not much of thing, hence, I know that there are movies in that type that are so sensible and inspiring like Rocky. Speaking of Black and White movies, I commend their value in history of modern film like Psycho and To Kill A Mockingbird. As a movie geek, I am not into action movies that much and I still can't figure out why. I love those drama movies that have deep lessons. :)
--- Floree of http://www.angelfloree.com