Since a lot of people liked our 'In the Spotlight' about Ray Park (Darth Maul in Star Wars Episode 1: the Phantom Menace) I decided to write about Dave Prowse this week! Dave Prowse is an English bodybuilder, weightlifter and actor! And yes, he played an important role in Star Wars? Do you know which one?
No it's not a storm trooper. The picture is a hint, but it's not that! Dave Prowse played the role of Darth Vader. Yes, Darth Vader!! Though I immediately have to explain i a bit more to you. Darth Vader is not played by just one person.. James Earl Jones provided the voice for Darth Vader. Dave Prowse is the one behind the Darth Vader mask. But do you remember that moment in Star Wars: return of the Jedi? Where Darth Vaders mask was removed? Well, that's not Dave Prowse. That was actor Sebastian Shaw. All the other times you saw Darth Vader, it was Dave Prowse! Awesome, isn't it? I think he did a great job in portraying Darth Vader.
Dave Prowse may be mainly known for his role as Darth Vader, it's not the only role he did! He's also known for Clockwork Orange (Julian), Frankenstein and the Monster from Hell (monster) & The Horror of Frankenstein (the monster), The Tomorrow People and the Rose Medallion. Of course there's more! Besides this, Dave Prowse won the British heavyweight weightlifting championship in 1962, 1963 and 1964! he also helped Christopher Reeve train for his role of Superman.
Dave Prowse attends a lot of conventions. However, next year, he won't be doing any international shows anymore due to health reasons. He will still attend the conventions he already committed to. I haven't met Dave yet, but luckily he's announced a convention I will be going to! He will be attending Weekend of Hell in November of this year and German Comic Con Berlin. We will be going to Weekend of Hell in Oberhausen! We're excited. Have you ever met Dave Prowse? Share your story in the comments. Or would you have a question for him?
I just love it that he does a lot of conventions. He's putting a lot of effort in making fans happy. I really like that. If you don't have the possibility to meet him in person, you can also order an autograph via his website!
Write a comment
Jon (Tuesday, 06 September 2016 23:06)
I've met Dave Prowse, I was about 5 and he came to my school. My older brother was a much bigger Star Wars fan than me and was SO jealous that I met him. :D
Shai (Wednesday, 07 September 2016 02:04)
Very informative post! I'm not a Star Wars fan but it's interesting that Dave PRowse was the one who helped Christopher Reeve train for his role as Super Man. Please blog about your next convention experience! :) XX
kylie cre8tone (Wednesday, 07 September 2016 05:41)
I knew more about star wars when I visited Legoland star wars in Johor.. Very interesting post of yours..
Roselle CT (Wednesday, 07 September 2016 06:19)
It has never occurred in my mind that Darth Vader was not played by only one person. I really do not know Dave Prowse and I immediately googled him up after reading your article. There are not much conventions in my country but the latest we had was the History Con, Asia's first ever History Convention for History Channel Asia.
Kyla (Wednesday, 07 September 2016 07:01)
It's very interesting to meet the man behind the mask! I didn't realize so many people played the same character!
Laveena Sengar (Wednesday, 07 September 2016 07:32)
Oh this is an interesting fact about star wars I wasn't aware of! I thought Darth Prowse was being portrayed by the same actor for some reason. Haha
lex (Wednesday, 07 September 2016 10:15)
Not much of a fan of the movie. But still this post was a great read.
ROBERT LEE (Wednesday, 07 September 2016 10:27)
The infamous Darth Vader. Good you wrote about him. I will be very honest. I am not a fan of Star Wars. But I can appreciate reading about different things, and seriously, even if I am a fan of the movie, I would not have even known who plays who except for a few celebrities.
Veethee Dixit (Wednesday, 07 September 2016 11:02)
Learnt some new things about Darth Vador! Thnx for sharing! :)
blair villanueva (Wednesday, 07 September 2016 11:10)
Hello Carola!
I'm starting to think your job it totally AWESOME coz you have a change to hangout with these stars! Thumbs up!
miera (Wednesday, 07 September 2016 12:28)
How cool is this.. wish I can meet him too... I have always been a fan of Star Wars and Darth Vader... hahaha
Sabine (Wednesday, 07 September 2016 12:49)
Star Wars is not my cup of tea. It's a big hype worldwide. I have heard about Darth father for sure. But at the same time, I don't really know the character. Great post to get to know him a bit
Berlin Domingo (Wednesday, 07 September 2016 15:12)
Ive seen Clockwork Orange decades ago! I cant picture him anymore but i am imagining a handsome man with big muscles. But wait, youve mentioned Frankenstein, havent you? He must really be that tall.
sam (Wednesday, 07 September 2016 16:38)
Never knew he was the person behind Darth Vader. He's the face of all villains. But I like that he was redeemed in the end. By his own son no less.
Jessica (Wednesday, 07 September 2016 16:41)
Great that you provided explanation on his character. Not a star wars fan here but of course, this will be interesting for those eyeing it. You are lucky to have such encounters and interviews. I am pleased that I can read first hand stories that you shared.
Gabrielle Crystal RoseBonniee ~ (Wednesday, 07 September 2016 17:30)
Hmmm, I haven´t heard that name before, but I have to admit that I like Darth Vader´s character. BTW thank you very much for another interesting movies to watch!
Milton Coyne III (Wednesday, 07 September 2016 18:34)
oh you are so lucky to meet them in person... the only star from Star Wars that I met so far is Daniel Logan who played the young Boba Fett and he is so funny.. hopefully these guys would come in any of the upcoming conventions here in the pHilippines
Ree (Wednesday, 07 September 2016 23:07)
I've never met Dave Prowse! But I'd like to now
Nilyn (Thursday, 08 September 2016 02:05)
I absolutely have no idea about Star Wars of Dave Prowse! What I only know about Star Wars is the name itself and Darth Vader. Only because he's that famous that even those who don't watch know him. But I don't even know what their characters are, or if they've villains or not! lol!
Thuymi (Thursday, 08 September 2016 06:16)
I have not much of an idea of this because I have never been a big fan of Star wars :( buuuhuuu
Veeyah (Thursday, 08 September 2016 07:54)
First time I've heard of the "Weekend of Hell in Oberhausen". :) I know Prowse though, and it's amazing how much effort he puts into keeping his fans engaged. You seem very excited! Hope you have tremendous fun at the convention!
Tamshuk (Thursday, 08 September 2016 14:52)
I am not a Star Wars fan but irrespective of that I wasn't quite sure who Dave Prowse is. Nice reading about the actor here in your post. I'll check out some of his movies for sure, just out of curiosity.
Martine (Thursday, 08 September 2016 17:05)
This is very cool. I never really gave much thought to the actor behind the mask, I always just associate Darth Vader with his voice, nothing more. I love the films, though I am not much of a behind the scenes person. This gives me a whole new perspective now!
Ruxandra (Thursday, 08 September 2016 17:34)
wow, it's crazy how one character needs several actors :D (voice, face, actual actor under the mask). So cool!
Princely Paws (Friday, 09 September 2016 11:49)
Star Trek legacy will continue forever didnt know that Darth role was played by several actors
Borka Šaula (Friday, 09 September 2016 23:51)
I had no clue! How funny is that Star Wars always find a way to keep the magic live!
Teresa (Tuesday, 13 September 2016 03:26)
I'm not a Star Wars fan. But my husband and eldest son are. :) I'm sure my eldest son would be happy to meet him in person, especially if he is in character. ;) He has actually requested me to make Star Wars the theme of his next birthday celebration.