Grey's Anatomy is a very well known series! It started in 2005 and is still very popular. even though, most of you might already know this series. I'll start with a small introduction. At the start of Grey's Anatomy, you're following the lives of five surgical interns at Seattle Grace Hospital. The main protagonist is Meredith Grey. She's one of the interns and the daughter of a high valued general surgeon: Ellis Grey.
The focus is on these 5 interns and all of their struggles. They want to learn, be the best, find love. You get to see it all. Grey's Anatomy offers here a great combination: you're getting the drama of their social lives (friendship, love, fighting, tiredness, hope, giving up) but you also get to see a lot of the hospital. Not only how the interns grow and learn, but it also shows some interesting patients. I've always really liked this combination.
During the episodes/ seasons, the focus changes and is widened. There are more and different main characters. Everyone has their own story. And the viewer gets to see it all.
How about the actors?
The 5 interns the series start with are portayed by Ellen Pompeo (as Meredith Grey), Sandra Oh (as Christina Yang), Katherine Heigl (Izzie Stevens), Justin Chambers (Alex Karev) and T.R. Knight (George O'Malley). Other main characters in the first season are Chandra Wilson (as Mirande Bailey), James Pickens Jr. (as Richard Webber) Isaiah Washington (As Preston Burke) and Patrick Dempsey (Derek Shepherd: McDreamy).
Grey's Anatomy is created by Shonda Rhimes. She wanted a racially diverse cast and used the color blind casting technique. Which means: For every character, the role was written without defining of how they should like (So also without predetermining the characters race). This resulted in a diverse cast.
Meredith Grey is played by Ellen Pompeo. Rhonda had seen Ellen the movie the Moonlight Mile and was impressed. So she wanted her for the role of Meredith. Sandra Oh initially auditioned for the role of Dr. Miranda Bailey, but was eventually cast as Christina. Could you imagine her as Miranda? That would be so weird! (Of course it actually wouldn't be weird, because we wouldn't know her as Christina!). James Pickens Jr. plays the role of Dr. Richard Webber. But Ernie Hudson was initially also asked to audition (But he didn't). Isaiah Washington originally audition for the role of Derek Shepherd. But was eventually cast as Preston Burke. So.. Isaiah could have been McDreamy!
And there are so many cast members, I could go on forever! A few other actors who get important roles in the series laer on are: Eric Dane (Mark Sloan), Sara Ramirez (Callie Torres), Kate Walsh (Addison Montgomery), Kevin McKidd (Owen Hunt), Jessica Capshaw (Arizona Robbins) and more!
For fans of the Walking Dead..: We get to know Jeffrey Dean Morgan in the Walking Dead as the big mighty Negan. He also played a while in Grey's Anatomy. He played the role of heart patient Denny Duquette who has a romance with intern Izzie. I think Jeffrey plays his role as Negan very well. But sometimes, I just think: Denny, go back to Izzie! I can assure you that he was way more likable and friendly in Grey's Anatomy ;)
Who will like this?
You'll like Grey's Anatomy when you enjoy some (medical) drama, hospitals/ surgeries and female leading characters. Shonda Rhimes wanted to make Grey's Anatomy a series she'd love to watch herself. And a series that contained smart women competing. She wanted to portray 'realistic women'. To like Grey's Anatomy, you have to be up for a bit of romance and drama. If you purely want to watch horror or action, this ain't for you! Sig can always tell when I'm watching Grey's Anatomy again.I always watch series on my laptop and Sig is like "Oh has Grey's Anatomy started again?". How does he know? By the screaming and crying coming out my laptop! I don't want to make it sound superficially, because Grey's Anatomy isn't. But it does contain a lot of screaming and crying (Much more than the other series I watch haha).
Grey's Anatomy also contains a message: Often you start and end the episode with a small story or lesson. I really like that in Grey's Anatomy. Sometimes I agree, sometimes I don't. But I like the concept and it works really well.
How many seasons?
12 seasons and still running! Season 13 will start on September 22, 2016!
My opinion
I really like Grey's Anatomy! I'm already watching the show for years and own season 1 to 10 on dvd. I've seen the first seasons twice, the latest once. I was very excited about the first seasons. What I love the most is the combination of the bigger story with the small ones. The character development is awesome and a lot happens to them (more than in a usual lifetime luckily). But aside from that, they have really awesome small (1 or 2 episode) stories as well. Stories about patients and events. I'm not one to cry over a series or movies. But if I'd ever cry, I would do it because of an episode of Grey's Anatomy. One of the most heartbroken stories/ scenes I've seen in Grey's Anatomy is the episode 'Into you like a train'. In a train crash, 2 people have been impaled on a metal pole. Tom (an older man is his 50s) and Bonnie (in her 20s, engaged). But they have to slid back one person from the pole, to able to do a surgery to remove it from the other. The one that will be slid back, has the most chance to die. Tom wants to sacrifice himself. But Bonnies condition is far worse. The doctors pick her. You get to see them both on the pole. Bonnies fiance also enters. Heartbreaking episode! And that's just one of the many impressive episodes of Grey's Anatomy!
What I also like a lot abut the series is the Meredith Grey/ Christina Yang friendship. The quote I put in this article (Not everyone has to be happy all the time all the time. That's not mental health. That's crap.) says it all. That's how they are. And I love that. Meredith Grey herself says it: "I'm not happy and bubbly. I'm dark and cloudy." Which doesn't mean Grey's Anatomy is just one big depressive show to watch haha. I like the sarcasm and rawness. She's an easy character to relate to and I love hearing her life thoughts in all the episodes.
Talking about favorite characters... Here are some I really like: Arizona Robbins, Mark Sloan, Christina Yang, Owen Hunt. What are yours?
The characters and life lessons may sometimes feel 'real' or gives you inspiration for real life: The overall plot isn't that real. And it better be not! What these doctors and interns go through in all these seasons, is just to much for a lifetime! I don't think it's a major issue. But it makes me able to relate on details and not on the bigger picture.
My love for Grey's Anatomy has peaks and valleys. Mostly peaks. But at season 10/11 I had a biiiig valley. I even thought about stopping to watch the series. It just didn't feel right anymore. Too many new characters. Too many that had already left. Not a good balance between the bigger story and the small ones. It was just off (in my opinion). I've watched season 12 also already and I really loved that season. Luckily! I loved that season. So I'm excited for the next one.
The worst episode.. Was one from season 11: "How to save a life". [SPOILER ALERT] Stop reading if you haven't seen this episode yet. I'll keep it as general as possible to avoid giving spoilers to ones who accidentally might see this. But I hated this episode because of how obvious and unsurprisingly it was. It's not that I couldn't handle this character leaving the show. But it felt like I was watching Final Destination. I didn't feel anything. Except irritation haha. How about you? [END OF SPOILER].
What do you think about Grey's Anatomy. Love it or hate it? What's your favorite quote or life lesson from the show?
Imdb: 7,7
Mine: 9
What's your favourite series? Have been addicted to a series? What series (or genres) would you like to see in Series Tip of the Week?

Write a comment
Heidi (Thursday, 18 August 2016 00:25)
I love Grey's too! I was so disappointed this year because they had no big finale you know. They were always so good and nothing. But I can't stop watching.
Eens Gonzales (Thursday, 18 August 2016 17:22)
Nice collection! I/we used to collect DVDs - several genres then it just stopped. I enjoy watching Grey's but think I missed a lot of seasons so I have to rewatch :) Love spoilers!
Jon (Friday, 19 August 2016 01:27)
The only medical tv series I ever watched was ER and I really miss that show. Not sure if I am ready for a replacement medical drama in my life just yet but I'll consider your recommendation. :)
Kimberly C. (Friday, 19 August 2016 09:19)
How can you not like Grey's. I'm not in the medical field at all, but I love the show. I just wish they'd bring Patrick Dempsey back. It's still a good show without him, but was so much better with him.
Rene (Friday, 19 August 2016 09:24)
I love watching series like these... though I am more into x-files.. but I do love some medical genre.. like ER and doogie howser..
Mercy (Friday, 19 August 2016 09:33)
I watched Grey's Anatomy religiously for almost 2 years and then I fell of the bandwagon. Like you I absolutely loved the relationship between Meredith and Christina, I admired how they were so sharp and witty, without being in your face-I think maybe sometimes I probably missed some brilliant one-liners in an attempt to process what they'd say.
I am biding my time to see if I have the energy for full commitment:)
Amanda @ Go Book Yourself (Friday, 19 August 2016 11:59)
It's so cool that you have all the box sets. I love collecting DVDs too. I haven't seen any episodes of Grey's Anatomy belieive it or not! Would it be similar to House M.D. in any way? I love that show?
Stella the Travelerette (Friday, 19 August 2016 15:46)
So last post I had to admit to never seeing Seinfeld. And now I have to admit that I've never seen Grey's Anatomy. Unlike Seinfeld I don't think it would be for me. I never watch romantic dramas. But I believe you that it's a well-done show!
Gabrielle Crystal RoseBonniee ~ (Friday, 19 August 2016 15:49)
I was watching it long time ago, when I was little, with my aunt, but I was enjoying it every single time :) ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ
<a href="http://blog-de-la-licorne.blogspot.sk/2016/08/missha-sheet-masks-bioderma-babaria.html">♡ * Le blog de la Licorne * ♡ </a>
Karlaroundtheworld | Karla (Friday, 19 August 2016 16:43)
Thirteen seasons and the cast hasn't explored all bodies yet! I am guilty of saying this show's good without even finishing even one episode. Why? My friend won't really shut up about it and I have always enjoyed her talking about this, especially the episodes from the first season. Well, I appreciate the tidbit about having more characters than a set you'd really care for but that's always the case with continuous shows like this.
Salwa (Friday, 19 August 2016 17:51)
I have never heard of Grey anatomy before. I am actually not a series person at all. But now, thanks to you, I know enough to do small talk if the series pop out in a conversation: "well, I haven't seen it, but read that..." ;).
Borka (Saturday, 20 August 2016 00:07)
I cried as hell when Derek died. I watch this tw show since I was 8... Many memories. They have the best quotes. And, yes I would never tell that Sandra could be Bailey or Burke Shepard. So wird haha!
Zwitsy (Saturday, 20 August 2016 03:20)
I used to watch this series before but sad to say I wasn't able to continue follow the remaining series up to its latest due to the changes I had to make way back then. Things have gone differently due to family business and studies. But I am hoping to get back watching the missed series. :)
mitesh dalal (Saturday, 20 August 2016 07:47)
Grey Anatomy is a new stuff for me. I will check it on the internet and watch this show.
ROBERT LEE (Saturday, 20 August 2016 09:07)
There were a few times when I thought about picking up the title and watch. Why? Because for a series to last this long, it has to be good. The funny thing is, I never bothered to check the plot of the series until I read this post. Interesting, I think. I can only watch a limited number of series, and yes, when I was choosing titles to watched before, I had chosen 24 and Lost. One day... this one I will watch too.
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Nilyn Cartagena (Saturday, 20 August 2016 11:02)
I've heard about Grey's Anatomy but I haven't watched any of its episode at all, yet. I just know other people like this series very much! I've watched just a very few series, there's a lot that I wanted to watch but I just couldn't find time to watch them.
Louisa (Saturday, 20 August 2016 11:54)
I used to watch Grey's Anatomy. I think I stopped after 4 seasons. Only because I got so busy that when I thought of continuing several seasons already passed. The one episode that really stuck with me was when Danny died. That was so heartbreaking.
Alessia (Saturday, 20 August 2016 12:24)
I've seen a few episodes of Grey's Anatomy. It's an intriguing show with a lot of alternation but i don't have a patience to see them all. Actually I try not to be attached to the series, accept the one; The Sex and the City. I love it and can watch it over and over again. Hope to read more about it in your blog. Greets, Alessia
Anna Nuttall (Saturday, 20 August 2016 17:58)
I watched season 1 of Grey's Anatomy but it never held my interest long enough after that. I have people who would watch it religiously and devour every episode. Didn't do that for me. xx
Tamshuk (Saturday, 20 August 2016 20:14)
I've haven't yet got myself hooked on to Grey's Anatomy, but I think I'm gonna start soon. Because as Robert said, for a series to last that long, there has to be something watchable enough.
nuel (Saturday, 20 August 2016 20:17)
I watched it one time , but lost interest but from this article that interest has been rekindled.... from the looks of it . sounds interesting
walkwithmisspiggy (Sunday, 21 August 2016 00:28)
I watched this before and got hooked with it and Oh I missed doing so when I read this. Will have to look for my copies soon and find time to watch , laugh and cry with them
anne klien Meanne (Sunday, 21 August 2016 00:47)
I love watching it before, but its beem awhile I haven't seen it. But I guess its time to start watching it again when the next season.
Maaya Legaspi (Monday, 22 August 2016 09:43)
I've been hearing a lot of good reviews about this series but i haven't really watched. Will add this to my must watch series. hehe. Even my friends would talk about this nonstop!
Maria (Monday, 22 August 2016 10:26)
I've heard of this series but I never really had the time to watch it. I really am curious on how they still make it so alive after running for 12 seasons already. I just started with Bones a few months back and I got sad when I learned that the 12th season is their final season already. :( But surely, this is a great watch!
Milton Coyne III (Monday, 22 August 2016 22:55)
Shonda Rhimes is really amazing and considering the series lasted this long, it only proves how great she is as a writer... As for the Grey Anatomy... I was actually a big fan until Katherine Heigl and TR Knight left the show :( I really love Dr Izzie's character and I was hurt when they kicked her out... Callie's character is really an interesting addition though (i still remember that musical number they had in the show).... Also I love Addison Montgomery (I even followed her in the Spin off show "Private Practice")...oh yeah, Denny Duquette will become Negan this coming season ofTWD and i'm so excited!
kylie cre8tone (Wednesday, 24 August 2016 02:14)
This is the first time I heard of this.. It's very interesting... Must be very excited..
Bernadette Angelie Pangilinan (Wednesday, 24 August 2016 08:39)
Grey's Anatomy has got to be my favorite series next to NCIS! I just hate it the most of the original characters have died already. It's too much sadness in one tv show! Haha!
Nicole P. (Sunday, 04 September 2016 14:14)
how do you compare Grey's Anatomy to House? :D I've just started watching House and I got hooked, and by the sounds of your review, looks like I'll be loving this too...
Laveena Sengar (Friday, 09 September 2016 22:17)
I just started with Grey's anatomy. I am liking it a lot. I used hear so much praise for the show that I decided to watch it.