Tony Moore was a guest at two conventions we attended this year: Dutch Comic Con and FACTS. Tony Moore is a comic book artist. I know him for his work on the Walking Dead. He was the illustrator on the first 6 issues of "The Walking Dead", together with writer Robert Kirkman. Ofcourse I did some extra research and looked up some of his work online. Some of his other work, includes titles like "The Exterminators"and "Fear Agent" And it looks great! I was really impressed. He's a really talented guy.
We first saw him at Dutch Comic Con. But we didn't talk to him/ went to his booth. What we did notice at DCC is that he must be very passionate about his work, because the guy is constantly working in his sketchbook. We mostly saw the top of his cap. A week later, we went to FACTS and we decided we did want to walk by. We walked to his booth on Saturday after Laurie Holden's Q&A. It seemed quiet so we decided to go. Only Laurie was quicker ;). She walked in front of us and walked right towards Tony Moore. She was fast! We decided to wait and got in line. It was fun standing there. It was very funny to stand in line for a celebrity, behind another celebrity. We noticed how one of te security guys really looked like Kevin Costner, lol. But Laurie took her time and the day was coming to an end. We still wanted to quickly visit some stand, so we decided to go.

But we didn't give up hope! Never! Sunday is another day and that would give us new chances. First thing on Sundaymorning we raced to Richard Dean Anderson's booth because Liv wanted an autograph (And the queue for Richard on Saturday was insane! We decided the sooner we'd be there the more time we'd save). Well Carola it might have felt like we were racing, but remember it was still quite early, lol. Let's settle on the fact that we walked really fast. After getting the autograph we saw there was no queue for Tony Moore. That meant this was our chance. It was a good and bad idea. Good because, hey you never know: This might be our only chance today. Bad because: I wasn't prepared and that means black-outs hahaha. I was already pretty psyched , because I just met Richard Dean Anderson. At that moment my feet barely touched the ground and the adrenaline rushed through my body, so I was up for anything.
We brought the FACTS magazine and asked Tony Moore to sign it. He had some great drawings there and I loved his work. I also wanted to say something cause hey, we're at his booth! So while my mind was shouting 'say sométhing', there was a short cricuit in my brain and all that came out was: "Thank you, I really like your , uh, thingies." Yup, not my best input ever. Why, why do I say thingies when I can't find the English word!! I'm trying to stop that after this day.. I feel you sister! Haha, when I black out I start a sentence and do not finish it. I have to say that was a hilarious moment, but hey you gotta love Tony's thingies!
Tony Moore was very kind, a great guy. He smiled, thank us and signed the FACTS magazine. If you get the chance to see him at a con, be sure to check out his drawings, they're awesome! And next I'll see him, I'll be prepared better...
Couldn't agree more! Next time maybe we can ask him to draw us one of his thingies..
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