This week I’d like to talk about one of my favorite actors of all time, Charles Bronson. For those who don’t know Bronson, he was an actor from the 1950’s ‘till the late 1990’s. He started out with some small parts and was still known as Charles Buchinsky, which he later changed to Charles Bronson. During the 50’s until the beginning of the 70’s Bronson was most known for his roles in Western and War movies. Both genres were very popular at the time. After that he got more roles in action movies and after doing “Death Wish” he was known for his revenge movies. A lot of people these days seem to remember Charles Bronson for his revenge/action movies. Although I think his western and war movie career is amazing as well. But during all periods I think most people saw him as a tough guy. To me he isn’t the brainless tough guy like most action movie stars (don’t mean to offend anyone). What I mean is that he never had the role of someone mindlessly blasting away hundreds of bad guys. There was always a bit more to it, and his acting was always great. He played the guy who kept his cool and had some nice dialogue.
Bronson has made quite some history with the films he played in. If you’re a movie fan and you never heard of Once Upon A Time In The West, The Magnificent Seven, The Dirty Dozen or The Great Escape you’ve probably been living under a rock for a while, or just don’t have interest in classic movies ;). It’s not only the roles Bronson plays in his films that make for awesome films, be he also has a lot of movies were he co-stars with some great actors like: Burt Lanchester, Vincent Price, Lee Marvin, Steve Mcqueen and these are just a few examples. A fun fact is also that his wife Jill Ireland did star in a lot of movies together with Charles Bronson. I always love to see a movie being carried by multiple great actors. I’ve discovered a lot of great actors which I had never heard of before because of his films.
Not only am I a fan of Bronson’s movies, but I’m also a collector of his films on DVD. I think I own every Dutch release of his films on DVD (if you are missing any in the picture please let me know J). There a some real rare ones in there as well, for example the Family of Cops box and This Property is Condemned. I also collect UK and US releases as well (I prefer not to have another language than Dutch or English on the cover). I’d like to have all of his films on DVD some day, but I guess that will never happen since not all of his movies have been released (yet).
It’s hard to pick what my favorite movies are since there are only a few that I don’t like. And the movies I do like, I like a lot. But if you’ve never seen a Charles Bronson film I would recommend the following:
- Death Wish
- Once Upon A Time In The West
- The Mechanic
- The Dirty Dozen
- The Great Escape
- House of Wax
- The Magnificent Seven
- The White Buffalo
So yeah like most actors he also been in some stinkers. Of course this is just my opinion. But the films I like the least I want to mention too, just so you know which ones to avoid. So my least favorite are: X-15, Cabo Blanco & The Indian Runner. I just found the movies to be quite boring. And of course it’s not only the actors who make a movie likeable or not.
For me mr. Bronson has left a real legacy. Although I have seen almost every film I own of him there are still a lot of movies he’s been in that I haven’t seen. And I will happily continue to collect his films. I just hope to see more of his films to be released in the future. Below you can see a picture of the DVDs I own at this moment, I also have a VHS of “The Sea Wolf” but I forgot to put it in the picture haha.

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Maria (Wednesday, 29 June 2016 08:55)
I've never heard of him but I do watch the classic movies. The quality of the classic movies are so different from the ones we have now. I did watch silent films by Charlie Chaplin and films wherein Elizabeth Taylor portrayed Cleopatra and a number of Sean Connery's James Bond flicks, Audrey Hepburn flicks and Marilyn Monroe flicks. The treatment of people before was totally different both in movies and in reality.
Gandolfo Benveti @ Forex Megadroids (Wednesday, 29 June 2016 12:10)
Charles Bronson is movie star of my youth. In 80'ties I enjoyed his movies. In those days ruff guys with mustaches who are calm and nice until you hurt his family or friends were Superheros of those days.
Even today I love watch his movies and how he solves things on his way. Movie fights in those days were more realistic than today and somehow funny.
ROBERT LEE (Wednesday, 29 June 2016 13:39)
Charles Bronson! CLASSIC!!! Great actor, lots of movies, a celebrity, but there's just one thing. I started watching movies during the time he stopped doing movies. Hihihi. But oh man, the name is so recognizable.
Sriparna (Wednesday, 29 June 2016 14:49)
It's so good to read about someone legendry! I don't think I've been an admirer of any one actor per say; but if I'd have to choose, I think I'll pick Tom Hanks :)
I hope you complete watching all of Charles Bronson's released movies...
Joanna (Wednesday, 29 June 2016 15:09)
I don't know Charles Bronson, I have never heard of him before. I will check out some of his movies. To be honest, american westerns are not really on my taste :)
Stella the Travelerette (Wednesday, 29 June 2016 16:13)
I also like Charles Bronson. He has a very appealing tough guy quality. My favorite of his is The Magnificent Seven. I'm also a Steve McQueen fan.
Rowena Conde (Wednesday, 29 June 2016 17:01)
I honestly don't know him that's why I'm thanking you for sharing this one. I might look for his movies this weekend and try watch it.
Zwitsy (Thursday, 30 June 2016 07:53)
Wow! why are you, guys, so good at collecting stuff? Hhahah Well, maybe I just don't have passion towards collecting a certain niche since I got a busy life. Anyway, I am not familiar of Charles Bronson. Most probably, I just don't love classic movies. Does being born in the 90s an exemption? hehehe
Swayam Tiwari (Thursday, 30 June 2016 09:06)
I agree with Bronson being one of the venerable figures of Hollywood. Not many of today's generation would connect with him. I have not seen his films but, after reading your post, I will try to catch up with Bronson's films.
Nimi (Thursday, 30 June 2016 10:32)
Sadly, I haven't watched any of his movies thanks for considering people like me and adding some of his classics!!!
Berlin (Thursday, 30 June 2016 16:49)
You really must be a real great fan given your collection of DVDs and yes, VHS. Ihihi. Keep collecting. It feels good to find a new title from your hunting and then when you add it to your collection, you simply cant dismiss the smile off your face.
Cykaniki (Thursday, 30 June 2016 18:00)
Wow, you do have a huge collection, I'm not really familiar with Mr. Charles Bronson, but I do have my own collection of dvd because I'm an anime fan, I have all the series of Dragon balls from z to gt and more
Mike (Saturday, 26 November 2016 20:04)
Nicely done. By my count I am missing 6 of his 92 films in my collection. One later entry and the others are early films that he has minor roles in from the early fifties. Cabo Blanco was just released on blu but sadly still the 90 minute version. I'd like to see the 120 minute one to see if it improves the film.