April 27th is Kingsday in the Netherlands. In Maastricht there's always a huge jumble sale (Vrijmarkt). We were looking forward to the vrijmarkt on Kingsday so much! But, unfortunately, the weather decided to ruin it. There'rain all day long. We had hoped to extend a dvd collection a bit today, by buying some on the jumble sale. That's why we decided to go MediaMarkt instead. And there, I bought some dvds! As you can see on the picture, I bought 6 dvds: Texas Chainsaw, the Amityville Horror, Out of the Furnace, the Lookout, the Grey and Magische Momenten (National Geagraphic).
Sig chose Texas Chainsaw and the Amityville Horror. I've seen Out of the Furnace in the cinema and loved it. So it was a great opportunity to add this to our collection. I haven't heard anything about the other 3 movies, don't know these. But they sounded nice, so I'll watch them soon! Have you seen any of these movies?
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