(First of all: The next piece is written in a sort of dialogue style. We wrote it together. We being Carola and Liv. The regular font is Carola speaking and the italic text is Liv. Enjoy!
I remember the moment that Michael Cudlitz was announced a guest for Dutch Comic Con very well... I was having a real bad day, nothing would go as I wanted. So by the end of the of day, I was hanging on the couch with my best grumpy face. I was watching a movie and checking facebook on my phone. Suddenly this big smile came up my face. I never imagined that this day could turn into a great one. I saw that Michael Cudlitz was announced and that made my day! Abraham and Carol are my favourite characters in "The Walking Dead". So, you can imagine my excitment! And mine! Just the week before, Carola and I talked about possible guest announcements. I remember we were joking around about how great it would be to see a "Walking Dead" actor at Dutch Comic Con. Carola laughed and said: "Yes someone like Abraham (Michael Cudlitz) would be great!" We both laughed and all I could think was: "Dream on, Liv". But then the day of the guest announcement came. I remember my day wasn't going great either. I was tired of working all day and I was watching "Arrow" on my laptop. Then my phone buzzed and I got a facebook notification. It was from Dutch Comic Con and my heart rate went up. I openend my Facebook and my face must have looked like the smiling face of the Grinch. (Just search and watch: Grinch smile.flv on Youtube and you know what I mean). At that same moment Carola sent me a message and within seconds I was jumping up and down from excitement (in my mind ofcourse because hey I still had a busy day and in spite of the adrenaline rushing through my vains I was still tired ;))
Photo op Michael Cudlitz

At Dutch Comic Con: Liv & I were instantly looking for the starguests (as usual). We came in and saw a row of actors, I spotted Michael Cudlitz next to Joseph Gatt. We went over there and took more pictures than a camera is prepared to handle. I am so glad my camera doesn't have a mind of its own, because I think it would have cried a little. We knew we definitely wanted a photo op, so we got in line for the ticket (quite a long line actually). The line was horrible. In my opinion they could have handled this better, but hey it was the first edition. We stood there for about 1,5 hour, looking around and talking to (a cosplay) Beth. We were thrilled when we got the photo op ticket. Thrilled and petrified at the same time. It was our first photo op ever and we didn't know what to expect. When we got in line for the photo op we were extremely nervous. We must have looked like two cows on their way to the slaughterhouse.
I can say that the photo op was great. Michael Cudlitz was very nice and making the photo was great. And I can tell you: That man knows where to buy a vest! Ah yes...the vest... I've never felt a vest that soft before, lol. I for one am always searching for the perfect vest. Why? Because I live in The Netherlands. You need a warm vest! So Michael if you ever read this: Tell us where did you buy that vest ?;)
Q&A Michael Cudlitz

Of course, just a photo op is not enough in this case. Still impressed by the vest I started to think about questions for the Q&A. We were completely upfront for the Q&A. I was way too nervous and only repeating the question in my head while trying to seek attention from the guy with the mic. I really wanted to ask a "Southland" question, cause everyone was talking about "The Walking Dead". I watched "Southland" and it is SO great! Really, if you like Michael Cudlitz: Watch this!! I got the mic and asked my question. I enjoyed listening to Cudlitz answering it, while thinking "OMG I asked a question". I asked him what his favourite character in "Southland" was, and Michael talked about being on the show and about Regina King. Regina plays the role of detective Lydia Adams and she's so awesome! She is definitely one of my favourites too. Such a strong character and great acting. Check out the video of my question here:
The Q&A was great, I love Michael's humor, it was so funny to watch. I especially loved the part where he talked about his role in "Band of Brothers". Ofcourse nowadays Michael is known for his role as Abraham Ford in "The Walking Dead", but before that I knew him from "Band of Brothers". For those wo don't know the show (shame on you!): it tells the true story of the Easy Company of the US Army 101st Airborne Division and their mission in Europe during WWII. In my opinion it's one of the highlights of tv history and it's an absolute must watch! Michael talked about the time they spent with the true veterans of Easy Company and the impact it had on him.
I guess we also need to share our blunders.. No! Not the blunder! In the evening we went to Utrecht to get something to eat. On our way back we ran into a few guys and we smiled and said hello. Then the reality kicked in.. Those two guys were Michael Cudlitz and Joseph Gatt.. OMG and we just stood there, staring at their backs.. Not doing anything! Mind the fact that all day we were talking about what we would do if we would run into one of them. Ofcourse there was a lot of big talk: we would have a conversation with them and maybe take a selfie. But we did nothing, so much for the big talk. We are traumatised for life!

Getting an autograph from Michael Cudlitz

On day 2 we also went to get an autograph. It was great so see him again. He even recognised me from the day before (hello heart attack). He was very nice and kind and I mumbled that I really loved "Southland". Only thinking: OMG, here I am again!
Really.. If he's on a con: Go visit him! He has great sense of humor and is very nice (even if you behave like you've never seen a human being before and make pictures constantly). We hope to see him again! So he can tell us where he bought that vest....I loved that vest! ;)
All joking aside...Michael Cudlitz is not only a great actor, he is also a really nice guy. Keep up the good work and I hope to meet you again sometime.
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