As you all know we love to attend conventions. It’s just something about the whole package that is kind of addicting. You get to meet the actors that play in the series or movies you love and maybe grew up with. You get the chance to hear them talk about their work and their look at life. But it’s not just that; at a convention you get to meet a lot of other amazing people too, you can browse through the merchandise, attend workshops or preview some new and upcoming series or movies. Most of all it’s a lot of fun.We love to write about our own experiences, but we also want to give you some insights in what happens behind the scenes. Today we zoom in on what it’s like to organize a convention. To do this we asked the lovely people behind KLZ events to give us some insights and they instantly agreed to answer our questions. Here's what we learned from their answers.
KLZ Events

First of all we will tell you something about KLZ events.
KlZ Events was founded in 2009 by a group of movie fanatics, with the objective to organize and optimize conventions and fan events. They are based in Spain and throughout the years they’ve organized more than 15 events in Spain, Italy, Belgium, Germany, Brazil and Latin America. Among the events KLZ organizes are: RisingCon (Supernatural), Bloody Night Con (The Vampire Diaries and The Originals), TwiNight Con (Twilight-saga), A Con (“Pretty Little Liars”) and ArcCon (“Arrow”/”The Flash”). Earlier this year we attended ArcCon in the Egg Gallery in Brussels. It was a great event and it was not like any of the other conventions we attended. We loved it! What we loved most about it was that you really get the feeling that you are a part of the KLZ Family. It’s a very interactive event, you get to see the actors and actresses on stage multiple times a day and it really feels like you get to know them a bit better throughout the weekend. Check out our articles about ArcCon to see what it was like.
So how did this magical journey of KLZ Events start?
“We were a group of crazy and young people that really wanted to make other people feel an unforgettable experience. We worked internally for more than six months with our first event and then when we made it public. We felt so proud of what we did so we were following creating new events until today”
Organizing a convention like this seems to be a lot of work, so how many people work for KLZ Events throughout the year?
Well KLZ Events has four people in office throughout the year and during the events there are approximately 50 people working hard to make the event an unforgettable experience for the fans.
Organzing an Event

The first step in organizing a fan event is deciding what it will be about, so how do they pick the shows (or movies) for the event to be about?
“We are doing research almost every day to see which new or old TV show (or movie!) is ready to have a convention”
So most of the shows or franchises KLZ organizes events about have a very big fan base. What about the people behind KLZ Events? Are they fans of the shows too?
“We do watch all the TV shows, but we are not fans. It is important to let all the people know that we are professionals and we must treat these events as what they are, professional events made by professional people to make fans dreams come true”
Ok, so first of all they have to decide what show the fan events will be about. And then it’s time to decide which guests to ask. KLZ Events has had some amazing guests attending their events over the last years (for example: Ian Somerhalder (Damon,TVD), Paul Wesley (Stefan, TVD), Nina Dobrev (Elena, TVD), Nicholas Brendon (Xander, Buffy The Vampire Slayer), James Marsters (Spike, “Buffy The Vampire Slayer”), Rick Cosnett (Eddie, “The Flash”), Shantel van Santen (Patty, “The Flash) and the list goes on and on). So how do they decide which guests to ask?
“We hear every suggestion from our customers and then we try to make their dreams come true, but as we always say not everything is in our hands”
According to KLZ Events the hardest part of organizing a convention is the negotiation with the guests. This is because there are a lot people involved in these negotiations. But what makes it all worthwhile? What is the best part of organizing the convention?
“The event itself. When we are immersed in the weekend, it is absolutely awesome even if we are running for almost 72h”
We already mentioned we attended ArcCon last year and it was very different from all the other conventions we attended. But what makes KLZ Events unique?
“We are very close to our customers and we always try to make them feel that, every little thing they may need, will be heard. They are not ticket numbers to us and we think that makes us different. We remember each and every problem they had during the year and those things make them feel absolutely safe and supported. That's why #KLZ_Family was born”
Looking back...
Like we mentioned earlier KLZ Events has been organizing some great events over the last 8 years, but what are the things they are most proud of?
“We are here for almost ten years and that means people put their trust in us that makes us feel pretty proud.”
There must have been a lot of great moments throughout the years. Would you like to share one of these moments with our readers?
“One of the most memorable moments we remember right now came from one of our assistants' mother, at the end of the weekend she was crying and we tried to calm her down, but she hugged us saying "You've changed my daughter's life. She is so shy, she doesn't have many friends, but look at her now she is a different person, she made friends, and she is talking to other people. You made this, you should be proud of yourselves. Thank you so much for everything you've done for her with this event". She comes to our events year after year now”
The Future

There are some great events coming up in the near future. In a few weeks KLZ is back in Brussels for A Con, their first “Pretty Little Liars” fan event. Some of the guests that will be attending are: Keegan Allen (Toby), Tyler Blackburn (Caleb) and Tammin Sursok (Jenna). In May 2017 KLZ Events will be taking over Brussels and Barcelona with “Bloody Night Con” and in September the third Edition of Werewolf Con will be held in Brussels. So there are a lot of great things coming up. We asked KLZ Events what their dreams for the future are and they were very clear about that:
“Being known for making the best events for fans around the world, because we make the difference.”
And they do make a difference, not only in the lives of their “KLZ Family Members”, but KLZ Events is also set on making the world a better place. They are active in various social and environmental projects. They help with the sterilization of stray cats and take care of abandoned animals, for example. I loved reading about this and I think the people of KLZ Events deserve a lot of respect for this.
We would love to visit a lot more KLZ conventions in the future because it truly is a unique experience. So are you a fan of “Pretty Little Liars” or addicted to “The Vampire Diaries”, checkout the KLZ Events website for all the information about their upcoming events. Just buy a pass and be a part of the KLZ Family, it’s nothing like any other convention you attended. So what tips does KLZ have for the visitors of their conventions?
“Open your mind, don't be scare of come alone as you will find people like you during the weekend and just live this dream because you deserve it. “
We’ve come to the end of the article and we hope you enjoyed it. There is just one more question to ask: What should everyone know about KLZ Events?
“We are here to stay, no matter what. We love our company and we love to work for all of you!"
We are very happy that KLZ wanted to answer all our questions! It's so nice to get some unique insights in how they work. We chose to ask KLZ Events because their conventions are truly one of a kind. We already experienced with Arccon that KLZ events works very hard to give all the fans a day to never forget. The service was excellent en they answer all questions very quickly. For us: A very positive experience and w're glad that KLZ events was willing to tell us more about their conventions. That way, we can inform you better and make sure you know about it as well!
You can also check out our articles about Arccon and Bloody Night Con!
Write a comment
Rach (Wednesday, 30 November 2016 13:14)
I would LOVE to go to something like this. It'd be 7th heaven for me!
Gryselle (Wednesday, 30 November 2016 13:16)
Organizing events especially conventions are really tiring. There are a lot of things to consider, and a lot of planning must be done beforehand as well. There are things that have to be negotiated with the involved parties and organizers should also think of they attendees as well. How would the fans like it better?
Though they may not be fans of the shows, they probably watched those shows as well. Some of them may have been a fan of it but watching too many shows as a part of your work makes one lose the interest that moist fans feel whenever they watch shows. However, I'm sure that theyw ere all fanatiucs when they first started organizing events which is why they thought of creating their own family.
I really idolize people who can organize great events, because it means their teamwork is solid and a family bond is truly formed despite not having any blood relations. :)
Imaobong (Wednesday, 30 November 2016 13:48)
This sounds like fun, I especially liked the video, and I think I'd check out their website too!
JeevaNayagi (Wednesday, 30 November 2016 13:51)
This is something new to me..never been to such conventions.but this is pretty interesting.Thank you for introducing this to me.I will probably check more about them.
Joanna (Wednesday, 30 November 2016 14:20)
It's very interesting to read about the other side of an event, the not so glamorous part of organizing it. I didn't know that the organisers are not fans of the shows they invite the actors from to join their events. I would have thought that maybe some of them are fans of some shows at least. It must be very rewarding to be told stories like that kid's mom, knowing that you were able to do something memorable in someone's life and make them happy.
Anna Nuttall (Wednesday, 30 November 2016 15:04)
This look a lot of fun. The guy with the flower crown look like Jason Donovan from the 90s, don't you think so?
ROBERT LEE | Amazing Life Daily (Wednesday, 30 November 2016 18:51)
Come on, KLZ. Let's do more of the DC TV-verse. So my blogger friend here could write more about Supergirl/Flash/Arrow... and yeah, I left out the Legends, because I pretty much don't like everyone there... almost, except Sara. :)
Carola... HINT HINT. :)
KT Nielsen (Wednesday, 30 November 2016 18:53)
I love organizing events but I've never tried organizing big conventions. I can only imagine the effort and preparations that were done to make plans turn into a successful event. I'm not much into attending conventions as well because I have quite a fear or you may call it phobia when I am with so many people. I appreciate you taking us into behind the scenes of organizing and event.
Sauumye Chauhan (Thursday, 01 December 2016 00:34)
Having worked backstage at fashion shows, I can totally relate to this article. And I must say, the happy feeling after the event is successfully over is incomparable.
Gilian (Thursday, 01 December 2016 01:05)
Aww...I like the story of the mom and daughter who was shy.
I think this is a good business to venture in. :) My husband was thinking of something like this in our place. You just gave me an idea. :)
Orana Velarde (Thursday, 01 December 2016 04:48)
Every time I read one of your articles about conventions it just makes me want to go to one more and more. Let's see...what convention would I go to....Maybe a Shonda Rymes convention, like one for all her shows. Oh, an NCIS convention would be awesome! Specially if Pauly Perrete was there (Im bad at spelling names btw).
Well I'm sure my kids would love a disney movie convention or a superhero convention.
Time to organize my life around one of these.
blair villanueva (Thursday, 01 December 2016 06:09)
I wish we also have this kind of event here in Manila, were audience can interact with their favorite actors. Maybe if I would have a chance to attend this attend, pardon me Carola but I guess I would be a hyper kid, lol.
Erin (Thursday, 01 December 2016 08:08)
I had no idea there were show-specific conventions as well, but it makes a lot of sense. I like this idea that they are busy scanning the TV world to see where there's a passionate fan-base of people - there are so many great shows where you want to connect with people and talk about it, and once the initial hype is over, so is the conversation. This is a great way of keeping it all going!
Malaika Fernandes (Thursday, 01 December 2016 10:23)
I love reading about all the conventions you attend. Was clueless about a show specific convention. In India here we have just one that i am aware of so far which is the Comic on still havent managed to attend it because the dates always coincide with work
Amanda-Curly Sue Review (Thursday, 01 December 2016 15:23)
I can't imagine the effort that goes into creating these conventions but I'm so glad they exist. I only wish there were more here in Ireland. KLZ events seem to do a great job. I would love to go to one of their conventions. Maybe next year :)
cosmicbeing@chessicamirasol.com (Thursday, 01 December 2016 17:51)
I totally understand you. My line of job also involves events production, I know how much effort, time and dedication it takes to put up successful events. I wish these kind of events also become popular here in the Philippines.
Yan (Thursday, 01 December 2016 19:26)
The passion and dedication of this team is amazing. I've had my share of organizing events for our school during my college days and the stress levels are high even for such a small event! To organize an event that the fans would love is no simple feat, hats off to KLZ!
Ryazan Tristram (Thursday, 01 December 2016 20:30)
Awesome! Looks like you had a great time attending the event. Love attending Con as well so I can totally relate to this! :-) Cool video! Love it!
Tescha Chetty (Thursday, 01 December 2016 20:52)
Events are very demanding on the organizer. It really takes determination and passion. KLZ events are doing great and really current:) I like that they get the actors and actresses on stage multiple times a day , to get to know the actors a better.
Ree love30 (Friday, 02 December 2016 00:19)
Wow KLZ events have worked on some major events!! And only you and running for 8 years? That's amazing. I'd love to know how they got the company offers the ground and made the contacts to do so well. We're they in the film industry? Bloody nights sounds like my kinda of event! Ree love30
Marge (Friday, 02 December 2016 00:34)
I think these guys are amazing and that they have a dream job! I can only imagine the amount of work that they have to do to make every event successful, but if I were a part of their team, I wouldn't mind the hustle. I'd probably enjoy the entire process no matter how stressful it can get. I mean. this is an event where fans are given opportunities to meet the people who play their favorite characters in person so what could be more fun than that? I haven't been to any convention of this kind and I really want to just to have that chance to unleash my inner geek haha...
Martin @ArtbyMLO (Friday, 02 December 2016 04:08)
Great interview. As Con-fans, were you disappointed to find out that they are not really fans of their events? Or do you think having this professional approach allows for these successful concepts?
Conmose.com (Liv) (Friday, 02 December 2016 10:30)
I can imagine you can't organize events like these when you are too big of a fan of one of the actors or shows. I mean you can like the show, but you can't act all fangirl/boy when there are so many things to organize and negotiate about. So no I was not disappointed to hear this, I kind of expected it to be this way...
Eugenia (Friday, 02 December 2016 13:57)
I’ve never heard of KLZ Events before and I am so glad to hear they held the shows in Europe too! Planning and executing events always takes a lot of hard work and dedication! Thanks for sharing such an amazing post! It is always so great to know what goes into organizing an event! :-) Shared it :-)
klaudia (Saturday, 03 December 2016 00:33)
I am always sitting here like with my mouth open ...huh ? How can you meet all these people ?! Do you keep traveling to all these events? How exciting :)
Laveena Sengar (Saturday, 03 December 2016 13:24)
You are doing a great job Carola. Organising such events is not an easy task and you keep us updated about everything that I wasn't of from the entertainment industry.
the pretend chef (Saturday, 03 December 2016 17:42)
Organising an event can be tiring and needs discipline, good on you for doing a great job.
Dillan Marsh (Wednesday, 07 December 2016 12:15)
It was my first Teen Wolf and KLZ Events convention and it was the best day of my life. I could only attend the event on Sunday, but I still had the time of my life! The actors and staff were all very sweet and thanks to you I got to meet all these amazing actors and actresses! I'm so glad Daniel Sharman came because he means the world to me and is my favorite person! The twins were also very Sweet and they hugged me so tight!! I hope Daniel and the twins will return to Werewolfcon3! :D